ftuzlu / redis-cache-php
Generic Redis For PHP
2024-01-09 13:26 UTC
- cache/simple-cache-bridge: ^1.2
- predis/predis: ^2.2
Install Dependencies:
composer require ftuzlu/redis-cache
Establish Redis Connection:
- First step is connect to Redis with Connect class
<?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); use Fatihtuzlu\RedisCachePhp\Connection; use Fatihtuzlu\RedisCachePhp\RedisCache; use Predis\Client; $connection = new Connection('tcp', '', '6379'); $client = new Client(); $redisCache = new RedisCache($connection, $client); $redisCache->set('example_key', 'Hello, Redis Cache!'); $val = $redisCache->getAllCachedData(); var_dump($val); $value = $redisCache->get('example_key'); echo $value; // Output: Hello, Redis Cache! $redisCache->delete('example_key'); //delete redis
Cache Mecanism
- If you want you can use cache mecanism
Cache Create Usage
- Create function is create cache
<?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); $cacheInstance = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\FilesystemCache(); $myCache = new Fatihtuzlu\CacheMecanism\Cache($cacheInstance); $result = $myCache->create('new_key', 'New value', 3600);
Remember Cache and Retrieve Data:
<?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); $cacheInstance = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\FilesystemCache(); $myCache = new Fatihtuzlu\CacheMecanism\Cache($cacheInstance); $result = $myCache->remember('example_key', function () { echo 'Calculating result...' . PHP_EOL; return 42; }, 60); echo 'Result: ' . $result . PHP_EOL;
Remember Cache Forever and Retrieve Data:
<?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); $cacheInstance = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\FilesystemCache(); $myCache = new Fatihtuzlu\CacheMecanism\Cache($cacheInstance); $result = $myCache->rememberForever('example_key', function () { echo 'Calculating result...' . PHP_EOL; return 42; }); echo 'Result: ' . $result . PHP_EOL;
Forget Cache Data:
<?php require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); $cacheInstance = new Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple\FilesystemCache(); $myCache = new Fatihtuzlu\CacheMecanism\Cache($cacheInstance); $result = $myCache->forget('new_key');