
v1.0.0 2024-01-20 11:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 13:44:54 UTC


This is a PHP client library for interacting with the Laravel Forge API. It provides a convenient way to manage various aspects of your Laravel Forge server, such as backups, credentials, databases, deployments, firewall rules, Git configurations, monitoring, MySQL databases, MySQL users, Nginx templates, and more.


Install this package via Composer:

composer require ftuzlu/forge-api


Initialize the Forge Client

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;

$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

Replace YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN with your actual Forge API Bearer Token.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\User;

// Show user details
$user = new User($forge);
$userDetails = $user->show();

The User class provides a method to retrieve details about the authenticated user. You can use it to obtain information such as user account details, subscription status, or any other relevant user-specific information.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Server;

// Create Server
$server = new Server($forge);
$createdServer = $server->create($options);

$servers = $server->list();

$serverId = 1;
$specificServer = $server->get($serverId);

$updatedServer = $server->update($serverId, $options);



The Service class is designed to handle HTTP requests to the Forge API. It extends the ServiceAbstract class, which provides a basic structure for handling API requests.

Service Class


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Service;

// Instantiate the Service class
$service = new Service($forge);

// Example: Sending a GET request
$response = $service->sendReq('/api/v1/some-endpoint', 'GET');


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Firewall;

$firewall = new Firewall($forge);

// Create a new firewall rule
$newFirewallRule = $firewall->create($serverId, $options);

// List firewall rules
$firewallRules = $firewall->list($serverId);

// Get details of a specific firewall rule
$firewallRuleDetails = $firewall->get($serverId, $ruleId);

// Delete a firewall rule
$firewall->delete($serverId, $ruleId);


The ScheduledJob class provides methods to manage scheduled jobs on a Forge server.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\ScheduledJob;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\ScheduledJob;

// Instantiate the ScheduledJob class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$scheduledJob = new ScheduledJob($forge);

// Example: Creating a new scheduled job
$options = [
    'command' => 'php artisan my:command',
    'user' => 'forge',
    'frequency' => 'daily',
    'hour' => 3,
    'minute' => 30,

$response = $scheduledJob->create($serverId, $options);

// Example: Listing all scheduled jobs on a server
$jobs = $scheduledJob->list($serverId);

// Example: Getting details of a specific scheduled job
$jobId = 123; // Replace with the actual job ID
$jobDetails = $scheduledJob->get($serverId, $jobId);

// Example: Deleting a scheduled job
$jobId = 123; // Replace with the actual job ID
$scheduledJob->delete($serverId, $jobId);


The PHP class provides methods to manage PHP configurations on a Forge server.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\PHP;

// Instantiate the PHP class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$php = new PHP($forge);

// Example: Listing PHP versions on a server
$phpVersions = $php->list($serverId);

// Example: Installing a PHP version
$options = [
    'version' => 'php80', // Replace with the desired PHP version

$response = $php->install($serverId, $options);

// Example: Upgrading PHP version
$options = [
    'version' => 'php74', // Replace with the desired PHP version for upgrade

$response = $php->upgrade($serverId, $options);

// Example: Enabling OPcache for PHP
$response = $php->enable($serverId);

// Example: Disabling OPcache for PHP


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Database;

$database = new Database($forge);

// List databases
$databases = $database->list($serverId);

// Create a new database
$newDatabase = $database->create($serverId, $options);

// Get details of a specific database
$databaseDetails = $database->get($serverId, $databaseId);

// Sync databases

// Delete a database
$database->delete($serverId, $databaseId);

MySQL Database

The MysqlDatabase class provides methods to manage MySQL databases on a Forge server.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\MysqlDatabase;

// Instantiate the MysqlDatabase class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$mysqlDatabase = new MysqlDatabase($forge);

// Example: Listing MySQL databases on a server
$databases = $mysqlDatabase->list($serverId);

// Example: Creating a new MySQL database
$options = [
    'name' => 'example_database', // Replace with the desired database name

$response = $mysqlDatabase->create($serverId, $options);

// Example: Getting details of a MySQL database
$databaseId = 123; // Replace with the desired database ID
$databaseDetails = $mysqlDatabase->get($serverId, $databaseId);

// Example: Deleting a MySQL database
$databaseId = 123; // Replace with the desired database ID
$mysqlDatabase->delete($serverId, $databaseId);

MySQL Database User

The MysqlDatabaseUser class provides methods to manage MySQL database users on a Forge server.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\MysqlDatabaseUser;

// Instantiate the MysqlDatabaseUser class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$mysqlDatabaseUser = new MysqlDatabaseUser($forge);

// Example: Listing MySQL database users on a server
$users = $mysqlDatabaseUser->list($serverId);

// Example: Creating a new MySQL database user
$options = [
    'name'     => 'example_user', // Replace with the desired username
    'password' => 'secure_password', // Replace with the desired password

$response = $mysqlDatabaseUser->create($serverId, $options);

// Example: Getting details of a MySQL database user
$userId = 123; // Replace with the desired user ID
$userDetails = $mysqlDatabaseUser->get($serverId, $userId);

// Example: Updating details of a MySQL database user
$userId = 123; // Replace with the desired user ID
$options = [
    'password' => 'new_secure_password', // Replace with the desired new password

$response = $mysqlDatabaseUser->update($serverId, $userId, $options);

// Example: Deleting a MySQL database user
$userId = 123; // Replace with the desired user ID
$mysqlDatabaseUser->delete($serverId, $userId);


The Nginx class provides methods to manage Nginx templates on a Forge server.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Nginx;

// Instantiate the Nginx class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$nginx = new Nginx($forge);

// Example: Listing the default Nginx template on a server
$template = $nginx->list($serverId);

// Example: Creating a new Nginx template
$options = [
    'content' => '...nginx configuration content...', // Replace with the desired Nginx configuration content

$response = $nginx->create($serverId, $options);

// Example: Getting details of the default Nginx template
$templateId = 1; // Replace with the default template ID
$templateDetails = $nginx->getDefault($serverId, $templateId);

// Example: Getting details of a specific Nginx template
$templateId = 123; // Replace with the desired template ID
$templateDetails = $nginx->get($serverId, $templateId);

// Example: Updating details of a specific Nginx template
$templateId = 123; // Replace with the desired template ID
$options = [
    'content' => '...updated nginx configuration content...', // Replace with the desired updated Nginx configuration content

$response = $nginx->update($serverId, $templateId, $options);

// Example: Deleting a specific Nginx template
$templateId = 123; // Replace with the desired template ID
$nginx->delete($serverId, $templateId);


The Site class provides methods to manage sites on a Forge server.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Site;

// Instantiate the Site class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$site = new Site($forge);

// Example: Listing all sites on a server
$sites = $site->list($serverId);

// Example: Creating a new site
$options = [
    'domain' => 'example.com', // Replace with the desired domain
    // ... other site configuration options

$response = $site->create($serverId, $options);

// Example: Getting details of a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$siteDetails = $site->get($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Updating details of a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$options = [
    'domain' => 'updated-example.com', // Replace with the updated domain
    // ... other updated site configuration options

$response = $site->update($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Deleting a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$site->delete($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Changing PHP version for a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$options = [
    'version' => 'php8.0', // Replace with the desired PHP version

$site->changePhpVersion($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Adding aliases to a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$options = [
    'aliases' => ['alias1.com', 'alias2.com'], // Replace with the desired aliases

$aliases = $site->addAliases($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Retrieving load balancing details for a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$balancingDetails = $site->loadBalancing($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Updating load balancing details for a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$options = [
    'mode' => 'http', // Replace with the desired load balancing mode
    // ... other updated load balancing options

$site->updateLoadBalancing($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Retrieving logs for a specific site
$siteId = 123; // Replace with the desired site ID
$siteLogs = $site->log($serverId, $siteId);


The SSLCertificate class provides methods to manage SSL certificates for sites on a Forge server.


// Instantiate the SSLCertificate class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$sslCertificate = new SSLCertificate($forge);

// Example: Installing an existing SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$options = [
    'certificate' => '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----',
    'private_key' => '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----',
    // ... other certificate installation options

$response = $sslCertificate->installAnExisting($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Cloning an existing SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$options = [
    'certificate_id' => 789,
    // ... other certificate cloning options

$response = $sslCertificate->cloneAnExisting($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Installing Let's Encrypt SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$options = [
    'subdomains' => ['www'],
    // ... other Let's Encrypt certificate installation options

$response = $sslCertificate->letsencrypt($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Listing SSL certificates for a specific site
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$certificates = $sslCertificate->list($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Getting details of a specific SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$certificateId = 789;
$certificateDetails = $sslCertificate->get($serverId, $siteId, $certificateId);

// Example: Retrieving the signing request for a specific SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$certificateId = 789;
$sslCertificate->getSigninReq($serverId, $siteId, $certificateId);

// Example: Installing a specific SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$certificateId = 789;
$options = [
    'private_key' => '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END PRIVATE KEY-----',
    // ... other certificate installation options

$sslCertificate->install($serverId, $siteId, $certificateId, $options);

// Example: Activating a specific SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$certificateId = 789;
$sslCertificate->activate($serverId, $siteId, $certificateId);

// Example: Deleting a specific SSL certificate
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$certificateId = 789;
$sslCertificate->delete($serverId, $siteId, $certificateId);


The SSHKey class provides methods to manage SSH keys for servers on Forge.


// Instantiate the SSHKey class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$sshKey = new SSHKey($forge);

// Example: Creating a new SSH key for a server
$serverId = 123;
$newSSHKey = $sshKey->create($serverId);

// Example: Listing all SSH keys for a server
$serverId = 123;
$sshKeys = $sshKey->list($serverId);

// Example: Getting details of a specific SSH key
$serverId = 123;
$keyId = 456;
$keyDetails = $sshKey->get($serverId, $keyId);

// Example: Deleting a specific SSH key
$serverId = 123;
$keyId = 456;
$sshKey->delete($serverId, $keyId);


The Worker class provides methods to manage workers for sites on Forge.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Worker;

// Instantiate the Worker class by providing an instance of the Forge class
// Instantiate the Worker class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$worker = new Worker($forge);

// Example: Adding a new worker to a site
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$options = [
    'command' => 'php artisan queue:work',
    'queue' => 'default',
    // Add other options as needed
$newWorker = $worker->create($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Listing all workers for a site
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$workers = $worker->list($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Getting details of a specific worker
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$workerId = 789;
$workerDetails = $worker->get($serverId, $siteId, $workerId);

// Example: Deleting a specific worker
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$workerId = 789;
$worker->delete($serverId, $siteId, $workerId);

// Example: Restarting a specific worker
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$workerId = 789;
$worker->restart($serverId, $siteId, $workerId);


The SecurityRule class provides methods to manage security rules for sites on Forge.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\SecurityRule;

// Instantiate the SecurityRule class by providing an instance of the Forge class
$securityRule = new SecurityRule($forge);

// Example: Adding a new security rule to a site
$serverId = 123; // Replace with the desired server ID
$siteId = 456; // Replace with the desired site ID
$options = [
    "name" => "Access Restricted",
    "path" => null,
    "credentials" => [
            "username" => "taylor.otwell",
            "password" => "password123",
            "username" => "james.brooks",
            "password" => "secret123",
    // Add other options as needed
$newRule = $securityRule->create($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Listing all security rules for a site
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$rules = $securityRule->list($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Getting details of a specific security rule
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$ruleId = 789;
$ruleDetails = $securityRule->get($serverId, $siteId, $ruleId);

// Example: Deleting a specific security rule
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;
$ruleId = 789;
$securityRule->delete($serverId, $siteId, $ruleId);


The Deployment class provides methods to manage deployment settings and actions for sites on Forge.


use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Deployment;

// Instantiate the Forge class (assuming you have set up your API key and other necessary configurations)
$forge = new Forge('your-api-key', 'your-api-url');

// Instantiate the Deployment class
$deployment = new Deployment($forge);

// Example: Enable deployment for a site
$serverId = 123; // Replace with the desired server ID
$siteId = 456; // Replace with the desired site ID
$deployment->enable($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Get the deployment script for a site
$deploymentScript = $deployment->get($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Update the deployment script for a site
$options = [
    "content" => "Updated content of the deployment script",
    "auto_source" => true,
    // Add other options as needed
$deployment->update($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Example: Deploy a site
$deployment->deploy($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Reset deployment for a site
$deployment->reset($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Get the deployment log for a site
$deploymentLog = $deployment->log($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Disable deployment for a site
$deployment->disable($serverId, $siteId);

Deployment History

The DeploymentHistory class in the Forge API wrapper allows you to interact with deployment history for a specific site on a Forge server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\DeploymentHistory;

// Instantiate the Forge class (assuming you have set up your API key and other necessary configurations)
$forge = new Forge('your-api-key', 'your-api-url');

// Instantiate the DeploymentHistory class
$deploymentHistory = new DeploymentHistory($forge);

// Example: List deployment history for a site
$serverId = 123; // Replace with the desired server ID
$siteId = 456; // Replace with the desired site ID
$deployments = $deploymentHistory->list($serverId, $siteId);

// Example: Get details of a specific deployment in history
$deploymentId = 789; // Replace with the desired deployment ID
$deploymentDetails = $deploymentHistory->get($serverId, $siteId, $deploymentId);

// Example: Get output of a specific deployment in history
$deploymentOutput = $deploymentHistory->getOutput($serverId, $siteId, $deploymentId);


The NginxConfiguration class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods to manage Nginx configuration and environment variables for a specific site on a Forge server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\NginxConfiguration;

$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the NginxConfiguration class
$nginxConfig = new NginxConfiguration($forge);

// Replace with the desired server and site IDs
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;

// Get Nginx configuration for the site
$nginxConfiguration = $nginxConfig->get($serverId, $siteId);

// Replace with the desired options for Nginx configuration
$options = [
    // Your Nginx configuration options here

// Update Nginx configuration for the site
$updatedNginxConfig = $nginxConfig->update($serverId, $siteId, $options);

// Get environment variables for the site
$envVariables = $nginxConfig->getEnv($serverId, $siteId);

// Replace with the desired options for updating environment variables
$envOptions = [
    // Your environment variable options here

// Update environment variables for the site
$updatedEnvVariables = $nginxConfig->updateEnv($serverId, $siteId, $envOptions);


The Git class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods to manage Git configurations, deployments, and deploy keys for a specific site on a Forge server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Git;

$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Git class
$git = new Git($forge);

// Replace with the desired server and site IDs
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;

// Replace with the desired options for Git installation
$installOptions = [
    // Your Git installation options here

// Install Git for the site
$gitInstallation = $git->install($serverId, $siteId, $installOptions);


The SiteCommand class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods to execute commands, list executed commands, and get details about a specific executed command for a site on a Forge server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\SiteCommand;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the SiteCommand class
$siteCommand = new SiteCommand($forge);

// Replace with the desired server and site IDs
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;

// 1. Execute a Command for the Site
// Replace with the desired options for the command execution
$executionOptions = [
    'command' => 'php artisan migrate',
    'script' => 'YOUR_CUSTOM_SCRIPT', // Optional
    // Additional options as needed

$commandExecution = $siteCommand->execute($serverId, $siteId, $executionOptions);

// 2. List Executed Commands for the Site
$executedCommands = $siteCommand->list($serverId, $siteId);

// 3. Get Details of a Specific Executed Command
// Replace with the desired command ID
$commandId = 789;

$commandDetails = $siteCommand->get($serverId, $siteId, $commandId);


The Wordpress class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods to install and uninstall WordPress for a site on a Forge server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Wordpress;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Wordpress class
$wordpress = new Wordpress($forge);

// Replace with the desired server and site IDs
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;

// 1. Install WordPress for the Site
// Replace with the desired options for WordPress installation
$installOptions = [
    "database"=> "forge",
    "user"=> 1

$wordpress->install($serverId, $siteId, $installOptions);

// 2. Uninstall WordPress for the Site
$wordpress->uninstall($serverId, $siteId);


The PhpMyAdmin class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods to install and uninstall PhpMyAdmin for a site on a Forge server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\PhpMyAdmin;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the PhpMyAdmin class
$phpMyAdmin = new PhpMyAdmin($forge);

// Replace with the desired server and site IDs
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;

// 1. Install PhpMyAdmin for the Site
// Replace with the desired options for PhpMyAdmin installation
$installOptions = [
    "database" => "forge",
    "user" => 1

$phpMyAdmin->install($serverId, $siteId, $installOptions);

// 2. Uninstall PhpMyAdmin for the Site
$phpMyAdmin->uninstall($serverId, $siteId);


The Webhook class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods to manage webhooks for a site on a Forge server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Webhook;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Webhook class
$webhook = new Webhook($forge);

// Replace with the desired server and site IDs
$serverId = 123;
$siteId = 456;

// 1. List Webhooks for the Site
$webhooks = $webhook->list($serverId, $siteId);

// 2. Show Details of a Webhook
// Replace with the desired webhook ID
$webhookId = 789;
$webhookDetails = $webhook->show($serverId, $siteId, $webhookId);

// 3. Create a New Webhook
// Replace with the desired options for webhook creation
$createOptions = [
     "url" => "http://domain.com"

$newWebhook = $webhook->create($serverId, $siteId, $createOptions);

// 4. Delete a Webhook
// Replace with the desired webhook ID to be deleted
$webhookIdToDelete = 789;
$deletedWebhook = $webhook->delete($serverId, $siteId, $webhookIdToDelete);


The Recipe class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods to manage recipes.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Recipe;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Recipe class
$recipe = new Recipe($forge);

// 1. List Recipes
$recipes = $recipe->list();

// 2. Create a New Recipe
// Replace with the desired options for recipe creation
$createOptions = [
    'name' => 'Example Recipe',
    'script' => '#!/bin/bash
echo "Hello, Forge!"',
    // Additional options as needed

$newRecipe = $recipe->create($createOptions);

// 3. Get Details of a Recipe
// Replace with the desired recipe ID
$recipeId = 123;
$recipeDetails = $recipe->get($recipeId);

// 4. Update a Recipe
// Replace with the desired recipe ID and options for updating
$recipeIdToUpdate = 123;
$updateOptions = [
    'name' => 'Updated Recipe',
    'script' => '#!/bin/bash
echo "Updated Forge Recipe!"',
    // Additional options as needed

$updatedRecipe = $recipe->update($recipeIdToUpdate, $updateOptions);

// 5. Delete a Recipe
// Replace with the desired recipe ID to be deleted
$recipeIdToDelete = 123;
echo "Recipe deleted successfully.\n";

// 6. Run a Recipe
// Replace with the desired recipe ID and options for running
$recipeIdToRun = 123;
$runOptions = [
    'servers' => [456, 789], // Server IDs to run the recipe on
    // Additional options as needed

$recipe->run($recipeIdToRun, $runOptions);
echo "Recipe execution initiated.\n";


The Region class in the Forge API wrapper provides a method to retrieve a list of available regions.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Region;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Region class
$region = new Region($forge);

// List Available Regions
$regions = $region->list();


The Credential class in the Forge API wrapper provides a method to retrieve a list of available credentials.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Credential;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Credential class
$credential = new Credential($forge);

// List Available Credentials
$credentials = $credential->list();


The Backup class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods for managing backup configurations on a server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Backup;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Backup class
$backup = new Backup($forge);

// List Backup Configurations for a Server
$serverId = 123; // Replace with your server ID
$backupConfigurations = $backup->list($serverId);

// Create a Backup Configuration
$backupOptions = [
   "provider" => "spaces",
    "credentials" => [
        "endpoint" => "https://my-endpoint.com",
        "region" => "region-key",
        "bucket" => "bucket-name",
        "access_key" => "",
        "secret_key" => ""
    "frequency" => [
        "type" => "weekly",
        "time" => "12:30",
        "day" => 1
    "directory" => "backups/server/db",
    "email" => "forge@laravel.com",
    "retention" => 7,
    "databases" => [
$newBackup = $backup->create($serverId, $backupOptions);

// Get Backup Configuration Details
$backupConfigurationId = 456; // Replace with the actual backup configuration ID
$backupDetails = $backup->get($serverId, $backupConfigurationId);

// Run a Backup for a Backup Configuration
$backup->run($serverId, $backupConfigurationId);

// Delete Backup Configuration
$backup->deleteBackupConfigiration($serverId, $backupConfigurationId);

// Restore from Backup
$backupId = 789; // Replace with the actual backup ID
$backup->restore($serverId, $backupConfigurationId, $backupId);

// Delete Backup
$backup->deleteBackup($serverId, $backupConfigurationId, $backupId);


The Monitoring class in the Forge API wrapper provides methods for managing monitors on a server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Monitoring;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the Monitoring class
$monitoring = new Monitoring($forge);

// List Monitors for a Server
$serverId = 123; // Replace with your server ID
$monitors = $monitoring->list($serverId);

// Create a Monitor
$monitorOptions = [
    "type" => "cpu_load",
    "operator" => "gte",
    "threshold" => "1.3",
    "minutes" => "5",
    "notify" => "forge@laravel.com"
$newMonitor = $monitoring->create($serverId, $monitorOptions);

// Get Monitor Details
$monitorId = 456; // Replace with the actual monitor ID
$monitorDetails = $monitoring->get($serverId, $monitorId);

// Delete a Monitor
$monitoring->delete($serverId, $monitorId);


The ServerLogs class in the Forge API wrapper provides a method for retrieving logs for a specific server.

use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\Forge;
use Fatihtuzlu\ForgeAPI\ServerLogs;

// Instantiate the Forge class with your Bearer token
$forge = new Forge('YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN');

// Instantiate the ServerLogs class
$serverLogs = new ServerLogs($forge);

// Retrieve Logs for a Server
$serverId = 123; // Replace with your server ID
$logs = $serverLogs->logs($serverId);

if (!empty($logs)) {
    // Process and display logs
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
        echo "Log Entry:\n";
        echo "Timestamp: " . $log['timestamp'] . "\n";
        echo "Message: " . $log['message'] . "\n\n";
} else {
    echo "No logs available for the specified server.\n";