
Constants collection class

1.0.3 2021-06-14 06:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 12:53:04 UTC


English | Русский

A simple PHP class that allows you to create collections of constants, assign them properties, get arrays of properties and constants.


composer require fsmdev/constants-collection


Constants collection

Inherit your class from Fsmdev\ConstantsCollection\ConstantsCollection and define constants.

use Fsmdev\ConstantsCollection\ConstantsCollection;

class PostStatus extends ConstantsCollection
    const EDITED = 1;
    const PUBLISHED = 2;
    const DELETED = 3;


$post = new Post();
$post->status = PostStatus::PUBLISHED;
class Post
    public function isPublished()
        return $this->status == PostStatus::PUBLISHED;

To get an array of constants use the method valuesArray

valuesArray () : array


Named properties can be set for each constant. To do this, it is necessary to define a function in the class that is built according to the mask: properties + PropertyName (camel case). The method must return an array whose keys are the values of the constants, and the values are the values of the properties.

# class PostStatus

protected static function propertiesName()
    return [
        self::EDITED => 'Edited',
        self::PUBLISHED => 'Published',
        self::DELETED => 'Deleted',

protected static function propertiesIndicatorClass()
    return [
        self::EDITED => 'text-warning',
        self::PUBLISHED => 'text-success',
        self::DELETED => 'text-danger',

Properties can be obtained using the static method property

property ( mixed $value [, string $property = 'name' ] ) : mixed

Example (Blade):

<span class="{{ PostStatus::property($post->status, 'indicator_class') }}">
    {{ PostStatus::property($post->status) }}

You can get an array of properties using the static method propertiesArray

propertiesArray ( [ string $property = 'name' ] ) : array

Getting value by property

value ( mixed $value [, string $property = 'name' ] ) : mixed
$status = PostStatus::value('Edited');

