
Library for Laravel that handles image uploading with renaming, showing thumbnail image with custom route and more.

v3.0.0 2024-07-25 15:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-25 16:35:22 UTC


Uploadify is a library for Laravel 5.5+ that handles image uploading with automatic renaming, showing thumbnail image with custom routes and more. All that is available over Eloquent models.

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Step 1: Install package

To get started with Laravel Uploadify, execute Composer command to add the package to your composer.json project's dependencies:

composer require fsasvari/laravel-uploadify

Or add it directly by copying next line into composer.json:

"fsasvari/laravel-uploadify": "2.*"

And then run composer update:

composer update

Step 2: Service Provider and Facade

After installing the Laravel Uploadify library, register the Uploadify\Providers\UploadifyServiceProvider in your config/app.php configuration file:

'providers' => [
    // Application Service Providers...
    // ...

    // Other Service Providers...
    // ...

Optionally, you can add alias to Uploadify facade:

'aliases' => [
    'Uploadify' => Uploadify\Facades\UploadifyManager::class,

Step 3: Configuration

We need copy the configuration file to our project.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=uploadify

Step 4: Symbolic link

If you have not yet created symbolic link in project, we need to create link between public and storage directories. We can use built in Laravel function storage:link which will create link between public/storage and storage/app/storage directories.

php artisan storage:link

Or use Windows function for custom storage link:

mklink /d "c:\path-to-project\project-name\public\custom-directory-name" "c:\path-to-project\project-name\storage\app\custom-directory-name" // custom-directory-name could be "storage", "upload"...

Or use Unix function for custom storage link:

ln -s /path-to-project/project-name/storage/app/custom-directory-name /path-to-project/project-name/public/custom-directory-name // custom-directory-name could be "storage", "upload"...

Step 5: Models

You need to include UploadifyTrait trait in your Eloquent models.


If you need to show simple files (pdf, doc, zip...) in Eloquent model, you need to define $uploadifyFiles public property with database field name as key and path as array value which is required. Also, disk value is optional and it will be taken from default disk value from configuration.


namespace App;

use Uploadify\Traits\UploadifyTrait;

class Car extends Eloquent
    use UploadifyTrait;

     * List of uploadify files
     * @var array
    protected $uploadifyFiles = [
        'upload_information' => ['path' => 'documents/information'],
        'upload_specification' => ['path' => 'documents/specification', 'disk' => 's3'],


If you need to show images (jpg, png, gif...) in Eloquent model, you need to define $uploadifyImages public property with database field name as key and path as array value which is required. Also, disk value is optional and it will be taken from default disk value from configuration.


namespace App;

use Uploadify\Traits\UploadifyTrait;

class User extends Eloquent
    use UploadifyTrait;

     * List of uploadify images
     * @var array
    public $uploadifyImages = [
        'upload_cover' => ['path' => 'images/cover'],
        'upload_avatar' => ['path' => 'images/avatar', 'disk' => 's3'],

Files and Images combined

You can also combine files and images into one Eloquent model:


namespace App;

use Uploadify\Traits\UploadifyTrait;

class Car extends Eloquent
    use UploadifyTrait;

     * List of uploadify files
     * @var array
    public $uploadifyFiles = [
        'upload_information' => ['path' => 'documents/information'],
        'upload_specification' => ['path' => 'documents/specification'],

     * List of uploadify images
     * @var array
    public $uploadifyImages = [
        'upload_cover' => ['path' => 'images/cover'],

Step 6: Router

If you want to show processed images, you will need to include Uploadify controller in routes/web.php file.

Route::get('{path}/{options}/{name}.{extension}', '\Uploadify\Http\Controllers\ImageController@show')
    ->where('path', '[a-z-/]+')
    ->where('options', '[a-z0-9-_,]+')
    ->where('name', '.+?')
    ->where('extension', 'jpe?g|gif|png|JPE?G|GIF|PNG');



// To use this package, first we need an instance of our model
$car = Car::first();

// get full file name with extension
$cat->upload_specification; // car-specification.pdf
$cat->upload_specification->name(); // car-specification.pdf

// get file basename
$cat->upload_specification->basename(); // car-specification

// get file extension
$cat->upload_specification->extension(); // pdf

// get file size in bytes
$cat->upload_specification->filesize(); // 1500000

// get full url path to file
$car->upload_specification->url(); // storage/documents/specification/car-specification.pdf or
                                   // http://www.website.com/storage/documents/specification/car-specification.pdf
                                   // if "url" value provided in disk url in "config/filesystems.php"


// To use this package, first we need an instance of our model
$user = User::first();

// get full image name with extension
$cat->upload_avatar; // user-avatar.jpg
$cat->upload_avatar->name(); // user-avatar.jpg

// get image basename
$cat->upload_avatar->basename(); // user-avatar

// get file extension
$cat->upload_avatar->extension(); // jpg

// get image size in bytes
$cat->upload_avatar->filesize(); // 150000

// get full url path to image
// example: http://www.website.com/storage/images/avatar/user-avatar.jpg

// get full url path to image thumb
// example: http://www.website.com/storage/images/avatar/w_200,h_200/user-avatar.jpg
$car->upload_avatar->url(200, 200);

// get full url path to image thumb with some special effects and options
// example: http://www.website.com/storage/images/avatar/w_200,h_200,opacity_50/user-avatar.jpg
$car->upload_avatar->url(200, 200, ['opacity' => 50]);

// get full url path to image with custom options
// example: http://www.website.com/storage/images/avatar/w_500,blur_50,brightness_-50,effect_grayscale,crop_resize/user-avatar.jpg
$car->upload_avatar->url(['width' => 500, 'blur' => 50, 'brightness' => -50, 'effect' => 'grayscale', 'crop' => 'resize']);

List of options

List of custom options you can use when calling url() method:

  • width
  • height
  • crop: fit (default), resize
  • effect: greyscale, invert
  • quality: 0 - 100 (90 is default value)
  • blur: 0 - 100
  • brightness: -100 - 100
  • contrast: -100 - 100
  • sharpen: 0 - 100
  • pixelate: (size of pixels)
  • rotate: -360 - 360
  • flip: h (horizontal), v (vertical)

Upload with UploadedFile

Upload example with usage of Laravel UploadedFile class received by Request instance.

// create new eloquent model object
$car = new Car();

// get UploadedFile from request Illuminate\Http\Request
$file = $request->file('specification');

// create new uploadify instance, set file, model and field name
$uploadify = UploadifyManager::create($file, $car, 'upload_specification'); // or set($file, new Car(), 'upload_specification')

// additional options
$uploadify->setName('custom file name'); // set custom file name

// upload file

// get uploaded file name with extension (without path), so you can save value in database
$car->upload_specification = $uploadify->getName();

Upload from path or url

Upload example with usage of file received from path or url.

// path to file
$path = '/path-to-file/file.pdf';

// create new uploadify instance, set path, model and field name
$uploadify = UploadifyManager::create($path, $car, 'upload_specification'); // or set($file, new Car(), 'upload_specification')

Upload with InterventionImage

Upload example with usage of Intervention Image class created by user. First, you create Image instance with all image manipulations you want (resize, crop, rotate, grayscale...) and then inject that image instance in UploadifyManager.

// create new eloquent model object
$user = new User;

$file = $request->file('avatar');

// create new uploadify instance, set file, model and field name
$uploadify = UploadifyManager::create($file, $user, 'upload_avatar'); // or set($image, new User, 'upload_avatar');

// if you want additional image manipulation from Intervention Image package
$image = Image::make($file)->resize(800, null, function ($constraint) {


// additional options
$uploadify->setName('custom image name'); // set custom file name
$uploadify->setQuality(80); // set image quality, default value is 90

// upload file

// get uploaded file name with extension (without path), so you can save value in database
$user->upload_avatar = $uploadify->getName();


delete() method deletes file from filesystem

$car = Car::first();

// deletes file

// you need to manually set field value to "null" after deletion
$car->upload_specification = null;

Example Usage



namespace App\Http\Controllers

use App\Car;

class CarController
    public function index()
        $cars = Car::get();

        $data = [
            'cars' => $cars,

        return view('index', $data);


<div class='row'>
    @foreach ($cars as $car)
        <div class='col-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4'>
            @if ($car->upload_cover)
                    <img src='{{ $car->upload_cover->url(400, 300) }}'
                         alt='{{ $car->name }}' title='{{ $car->name }}'
                         width='400' height='300'
                         class='img-thumbnail img-fluid'>
            <h2><a href='{{ $car->url }}'>{{ $car->name }}</a></h2>
            <p>{{ str_limit($car->description, 200) }}</p>
            @if ($car->upload_specification)
                    <a href='{{ $car->upload_specification->url() }}'>
                        <i class='fa fa-archive'></i>
                        {{ $car->upload_specification->name() }}
                    <span class='text-muted'>{{ $car->upload_specification->filesize() }} bytes</span>


MIT Licence. Refer to the LICENSE file to get more info.


Frano Šašvari

Email: sasvari.frano@gmail.com