
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the friendzapp/orderz-php-sdk package instead.
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.0.12) of this package.

orderz api-sdk

0.0.12 2019-07-31 15:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-09-19 10:22:28 UTC



composer require friendz/orderz-php-sdk


  • PHP >= 7.2
  • guzzlehttp/guzzle = 6.3.3
  • nesbot/carbon = 2.19.2

Basic Usage

use Friendz\Orderz\Api\Client as OrderzClient;
use Friendz\Orderz\Api\Models\User as UserModel;
use Friendz\Orderz\Api\Requests\CreateOrder as CreateOrderRequest;

function foo(): array
  $client = new OrderzClient('api-token');
  return $client->getProducts();

function bar(int $productId)
  $client = new OrderzClient('api-token');
  $orderRequest = new CreateOrderRequest;
  $orderRequest->externalId = 'your-unique-id';
  $orderRequest->productId = $productId;
  $orderRequest->quantity = 1;
  $orderRequest->user = new UserModel(
    'Sesame Street, 1119'


Both createOrder and getProducts APIs can throw either an ApiException or a MalformedResponseException. The first is a general API exception, the latter describes and error in the response structure.

Boh exceptions have an utility method called shouldRetry(): bool (described in their parent class). Failed requests can and should be retried only when this method returns true.


function foo(int $productId)
   * ...

  $shouldRetry = true;

  /* NB: Don't use this code in production! */

  do {
    try {
      $response = $client->createOrder($orderRequest);
      $shouldRetry = false;
    } catch (ApiException | MalformedResponseException $e) {
      $shouldRetry = $e->shouldRetry();
  } while($shouldRetry);
  /* Use $response somehow */