friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer dependents (17136) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • bookretriever/clever-php

    Rewrite of the official Clever PHP library

  • bookretriever/oneroster

    Client library for OneRoster

  • bookunited/celeus-client

    A client library for the Celeus API.

  • bookunited/travelfusion-client

    A client library for the Travelfusion XML API.

  • PHP


    Caches and delivers assets of every sort, from any location, with hands-off versioning. Manipulates images on-the-fly. Minifies and combines (on-demand) css and javascript files.

  • PHP


    A flat file Blog and CMS that doesn't skimp on features, and can be utilized in any website.

  • PHP


    Create Bootstrap grids, tables, forms, buttons, dropdowns, groups, navs, breadcrumbs, pagination, panels, accordions, carousels, etc ... all without touching a single div!

  • PHP


    A PDO wrapper with lazy connections and query profiling.

  • PHP


    Coordinates form validation, errors, messages, values, and inputs in a DRY KISS way.

  • PHP


    Nested Set benefits with Adjacency List effort. Retrieve the children, counts, levels, paths, trees, nests, and leaves from your category nodes.

  • PHP


    Enables you to thoroughly test the HTML output of your code.

  • PHP


    Manipulate every part of an HTML Page at any time.

  • PHP


    Creates customizable pagination and pager links. Limits and offsets arrays and database queries. Built-in styles for Bootstrap, Zurb Foundation, Semantic UI, Materialize, and UIkit.

  • PHP


    A sitemap generator that saves all of your links, tracks any updates, and makes the entire site searchable.