
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the a4sex/jwt-manager package instead.

jwt-manager for FreedomSex project

0.3.2 2022-01-02 15:14 UTC


for FreedomSex projects

for you without a guarantee of version compatibility, and everything else

Firebase\JWT is used internally

You need to create keys for signing the token.

 mkdir -P /config/keys/ 
 cd config/keys 

Keys Example

 openssl genrsa -out private.key 1024
 openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -outform PEM -out public.key

Specify the paths when creating an instance of the manager. And TimeToLive generated token as the last argument

$manager = new JWTManager(

Generate JWT token

Simple JWT token. Only Expires in payload

$token = $manager->create();



  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "RS256"


  "exp": 1638549013

Payload based on User instance

$token = $manager->create($user);
// getId - uid
// getRoles - roles
// getIdentityId - uuid
// getAccess - access
// getSubject -sub


uuid - deprecated since 0.4: use uid and id

$token = $manager->create($user);
// getId - id
// getUid - uid
// or
// getIdentityId - uid
// getId - id
// and
// getUid - uid (deprecated)
// and
// getIdentityId - uuid

Expires "alternative" way

$token = $manager->create($user, 1638549013); 

Load payload

$payload = $manager->load($token); // object return
$payload = (array) $manager->load($token); // array return
  "uid" => 1
  "exp" => 1638549013

Inheritance and Overriding

Override method populatePayload to Define your own structure

public function populatePayload(array $payload, $user = null): array