
A Magento 2 module which captures JavaScript errors for later review by website administrators

2.3.0 2024-08-30 12:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-30 13:04:17 UTC


Latest stable version Total downloads Code quality alerts


A Magento 2 module which captures JavaScript errors for later review by website administrators. JavaScript errors are kept for up to 180 days (configurable) and available via Magento's administration back-end.

Screen-shot of summary view in admin area


  • JavaScript errors are recorded for later review
    • JavaScript error message
    • File (URL), line number, column number of exception if available
    • Stack trace of exception if available
  • Limited browser information which might be useful for debugging (but hopefully not for fingerprinting / identifying individual users) is recorded
    • Current URL when error occurred
    • User agent
    • Viewport width & height
  • Errors are kept for up to 180 days (configurable) and automatically deleted after this period
  • Errors are available for review in Magento's back-end
    • Admin -> Reports -> JavaScript Error Reporting
  • Errors can be marked as ignored to help reduce noise / focus on new errors
  • Module can be enabled / disabled via configuration
    • Admin -> Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Advanced -> System -> JavaScript Error Reporting


This module is available on and installable via composer:

composer require fredden/magento2-module-javascript-error-reporting

This module uses semantic versioning (semver).


PHP version 7.1 or better is required.

No third-party libraries nor services are required.


Community contributions are welcome. Please open a pull request on GitHub if you have a code suggestion, or an issue on GitHub if you are encountering a problem with this module. Please note that issues relating to the problems that this module highlights in others' code are out of scope for support here.

Future development ideas

  • filter grid by date and time range
  • details of "errors like this" (same hash) on details page.
    • perhaps links for: first, last, next, previous
    • maybe a chart of this error over time
      • show same charts as statistics page, but specifically for this error
  • statistics page, link for details should go to latest not first instance of error
  • charts on statistics page, click node to go to details pane with this time filter applied