
MutexSafe will help you use mutex more effectively. Different mutex for different components are presented. In addition, you can add your own lockers and use within the library.

v1.0 2019-10-08 10:28 UTC


Manage locks effectively and faster | With PHP7


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  • This library will help you use mutex more effectively.
  • Different mutex for different components are presented.
  • In addition, you can add your own lockers and use within the library.

How to use

$customHandler = new \CustomHandler(/* some parameters */);

// You can send the handler directly to the constructor
$factory = new \Foxtech\Competitor($customHandler);

/* OR */

// via the setHandler method
$factory = new \Foxtech\Competitor();

$timeout = 50;//seconds
$factory->getMutex('mutex_name')->acquire($timeout /* default timeout - 30 seconds */);

// some code


You can also write your own mutex to a custom handler and use within our library.(Important: Your mutex must implement our interface)

$yourCustomHandler = new YourCustomHandler();

$factory = new \Foxtech\Competitor();
$factory->push(YourCustomHandler::class, YourMutex::class);


// some code


PDO Handler

$pdo = new \PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'root', 'toor');

$factory = new \Foxtech\Competitor($pdo);


// some code

