Portal allows you to dispatch Laravel events across multiple apps with ease.

0.2.1 2020-07-02 20:31 UTC

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Last update: 2023-09-30 23:41:47 UTC



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Portal allows you to dispatch Laravel events across multiple apps with ease.


To get started with Portal, simply run:

composer require footage-firm/portal

If you are using Laravel 5.5+, there is no need to manually register the service provider. However, if you are using an earlier version of Laravel, register the PortalServiceProvider in your app configuration file:

'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...


The package needs to be installed for all projects that need to be able to send or receive events

How it works

All portal-connected Laravel apps will need to use a central queue for transmitting events, so make sure that queueing is configured, and that all connected Laravel apps are using the same queue.

Configuring queues

Warning: Before you continue, make sure that your default QUEUE_DRIVER in config/queue.php is NOT set to sync, as this will cause an infinite loop for teleported events

Each application that receives events, will need to have a queue and queue worker configured to listen for portal events.

If you're using the default laravel queueing system, this can be done by running a worker with the --queue parameter like so:

php artisan queue:work redis --queue=portal-myapp

If you're using Laravel Horizon, you will simply need to update the environments configuration, by adding an additional queue to the array like so:

'environments' => [
    'production' => [
        'supervisor-1' => [
            'connection' => 'redis',
            'queue' => ['default', 'portal-myapp'],
            'balance' => 'simple',
            'processes' => 10,
            'tries' => 3,

Note: Queue names need to always be prefixed with portal-

Configuring event targets

When a teleportation-eligible event is fired, a custom handler will be executed. This handler is responsible for returning the targets that the events are sent to.

This callback can be configured anywhere you like, but a good starting place would be the boot() function in your AppServiceProvider

Here's a couple of examples

// Teleport events to a static list of apps
Portal::setTeleportationTargetsHandler(function ($eventName) {
    return [
        'myapp' // Note: This is the same name as specified in the queue worker above (but without the "portal-" prefix)

// Teleport events to a database-defined list of targets
Portal::setTeleportationTargetsHandler(function ($eventName) {
    return Server::where('is_active', 1)
        ->where('hostname', '!=', gethostname()) // Exclude ourselves

// Send certain events to certain targets
Portal::setTeleportationTargetsHandler(function ($eventName) {
    if ($eventName === 'SpecialEvent') {
        return [
    } else {
        return [

Basic Usage

Sending portal events

Create your Laravel Events as usual, but make sure to implement the ShouldTeleport interface.



namespace App\Events;

use Storyblocks\Portal\ShouldTeleport;

class OrderShipped implements ShouldTeleport

The event can triggered as per usual:

event(new OrderShipped());

The event will automatically be queued up and teleported to any other Portal-enabled Laravel app.

Receiving portal events

Simply define an event listener in EventServiceProvider as you usually would with a Laravel app.


protected $listen = [
    'App\Events\OrderShipped' => [


Portal is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license