
Classes for Contact Forms and message admin.

v1.0 2016-03-05 17:10 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-12 00:24:23 UTC


This is a contact form module for the Anax-MVC framework.

  • Add a contact form to any page via the ContactFormController class as dispatcher.
  • Add a contact form message administration section to a page via the ContactFormAdminController class as dispatcher.

See contactform/webroot/testContactform.php for example usage.


  • Download Anax-MVC release v.04 or later.
  • Add following lines to Anax-MVC/composer.json, see below
  • run composer update to download module and dependencies to vendor folder
  • copy template files from vendor/fnlive/contactform/view/contactform/* to Anax-MVC/app/view/contactform/*
  • point your browser to file vendor/fnlive/contactform/webroot/testContactform.php to try out module

Anax-MVC/composer.json snippet:

    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.4",
        "mos/cform": "2.*@dev",
        "mos/cdatabase": "dev-master",
        "fnlive/contactform":  "dev-master"

This module is dependent on mos/cform and mos/cdatabase.

By Fredrik Nilsson (fn@live.se)


This software is free software and carries a MIT license.


  • Add extension for enabling sending av message through mail-service to arbitrary receiver.
  • Add support for storing and retrieval of Contact details from database.
  • Add unit testing for module.


v1.0 (2016-03-05)

..:  Copyright 2016 by Fredrik Nilsson (fn@live.se)