
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Custom annotations for YAML mapping

1.1.0 2018-02-03 15:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-09-16 21:24:13 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status

One of the great features of Doctrine 2 is extensibility. Doctrine offers multiple ways to specify mapping information, but the most of the extensions only supports Annotations configuration.

This package adds custom annotations to your YAML mapping files.

What is currently supported:

  • property annotations (fields and embeddables)
  • class annotations


The best way to install fmasa/doctrine-yaml-annotations is using Composer:

$ composer require fmasa/doctrine-yaml-annotations

For example let's configure the Consistence extension for Doctrine.

First we have to create annotation reader:

use Fmasa\DoctrineYamlAnnotations\YamlReader;

$configuration = $entityManager->getConfiguration();
$reader = new YamlReader($configuration, [
    'enum' => EnumAnnotation::class

Second argument for AnnotationReader is optional map with entity aliases.

Add annotations to your mapping files:

            type: enum_string
                Consistence\Doctrine\Enum\EnumAnnotation: # or just enum
                    class: StateEnum

Now you can read annotations just using Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader API:

    (new \ReflectionClass(Some\Entity::class))->getProperty('state'),
); // returns instance of EnumAnnotation { class => "StateEnum" }