
Simple crud system build on top of flysystem

v3.0.0 2019-01-24 09:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-25 07:29:32 UTC


Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status

Sometimes you don't need a database, just some data in yaml/json/etc files to build a website.

This library provides a simple way to manage data stored in files using flysystem as engine.


The library is compatible with PHP >= 7.1 and installable and autoloadable via Composer as fly-crud/fly-crud.

$ composer require fly-crud/fly-crud

Usage example:

use FlyCrud\Directory;
use FlyCrud\Formats\Json;

//Create a repository to store the data as json
$repo = Directory::make('/path/to/files', new Json());

//Create a new document
$document = new Document([
    'title' => 'Title post',
    'intro' => 'This is the new post'

//Get/set/edit data
$document->title = 'The new title post';

//Save the document
$repo->saveDocument('first-post', $document);

//Get the document again
$document = $repo->getDocument('first-post');

//or delete it

Working with directories

Let's say we have the following structure with yaml files:

_ site
  |_ posts
    |_ first-post.yml
    |_ second-post.yml
  |_ articles
    |_ first-article.yml
    |_ second-article.yml
    |_ third-article.yml
use FlyCrud\Directory;
use FlyCrud\Document;
use FlyCrud\Formats\Yaml;

//Create a repository pointing to our site data using Yaml format:
$site = Directory::make(__DIR__.'/site', new Yaml());

//Get the posts directory
$posts = $site->getDirectory('posts');

//And the first post document
$post = $posts->getDocument('first-post');

//Or store a new document
$posts->saveDocument('third-post', new Document([
    'title' => 'My awesome third post',
    'intro' => 'This is the third post'

Array access and property access

To ease the work with documents and directories:

  • Use properties to access to directories (ex: $site->posts)
  • Use array-like syntax to access to documents (ex: $posts['first-post'])

Example with the same structure used previously:

//Access to the first-article document
$article = $site->articles['first-article'];

//Save a new article
$site->articles['other-article'] = new Document([
    'title' => 'I like tomatoes'
    'intro' => 'Yes, they are red, rounded and tasty!'


Working with documents

Documents are clases extending ArrayObject with some additions:

  • Implements the JsonSerializable interface, so you can convert the document to json easily json_encode($document)
  • Implements the magic methods __get(), __set(), __isset() and __unset(), so you can manipulate the values like properties.
  • The data is converted to stdClass objects, this allows to manipulate it easily. Example:
use FlyCrud\Document;

//Create a document
$post = new Document([
    'title' => 'My post',
    'tags' => ['php', 'code'],
    'sections' => [
            'title' => 'Section one',
            'body' => 'This is the first section of the document'
            'title' => 'Section two',
            'body' => 'This is the second section of the document'

//Use the properties to access to the data:
echo $post->title; // "My post"
echo $post->tags[0]; // "php"
echo $post->sections[0]->title; // "Section one"

//Modify the data
$post->section[1]->title = 'New title of the second section';