
v1.0.0 2024-05-15 15:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-15 15:17:23 UTC


This package provides a simple way to interact with the K&H Bank Gateway API. This package is not affiliated with K&H Bank in any way.

Use the official docs to understand the full payment flow: K&H Official documentation


  • PHP 8.1 or higher


You can install the package via composer:

composer require floodx92/kh-gateway


First, you need to instantiate CurlHttpClient and OpenSSLAdapter classes. You can always use new ClassName() or ClassName::make() to instantiate a class.

use Floodx92\KhGateway\Util\CurlHttpClient;
use Floodx92\KhGateway\Crypto\OpenSSLAdapter;
use Floodx92\KhGateway\ApiService;
use Floodx92\KhGateway\Storage\FileKeyStorage;

// Instantiate the Http client, with the API URL
$client = CurlHttpClient::make(ApiService::SANDBOX_URL);
//client = CurlHttpClient::make(ApiService::PRODUCTION_URL);

// For the OpenSSLAdapter, first we need a KeyStore
$keyStore = FileKeyStorage::make(
    //optionally you can pass a passphrase as last argument
$adapter = OpenSSLAdapter::make($keyStore, $verifySignature = true);

Then, you can use the ApiService class to send requests to the API.

use Floodx92\KhGateway\ApiService;
use Floodx92\KhGateway\Model\Request\EchoRequest;
use Floodx92\KhGateway\Exception\HttpException;

$api = ApiService::make($adapter, $client);

// Send an Echo request
$echoRequest = EchoRequest::make($merchantId = 'ABC123456')
try {
    $echoResult = $api->echo($echoRequest);
    echo $echoResult->resultCode;
} catch (HttpException $e) {
    // Handle the exception

Error Handling

All methods can throw a HttpException in case of a cURL error or when an HTTP error status code is received. You should catch this exception and handle it appropriately in your code.


  • Add tests
  • Add more documentation
  • Better JSON mapping for the responses


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.