
Crud Generator automatically generates all necessary files for a complete crud. This includes livewire component, factories, migrations, models, blades & seeders.

0.0.4 2021-03-29 20:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-27 19:12:00 UTC


Crud Generator automatically generates all necessary files for a complete crud. This includes factories, migrations, models, blades, requests & seeders. This package also has the possibility to create relations between models.

For relations to work you'll need to manually add comments to the User Model otherwise it won't generate it for you.
These comments will be automatically added by models created by this CrudGenerator. Refer to Relations section for more info.


Via Composer

$ composer require flightsadmin/crudgenerator


If you would like to publish the other file such as config, stubs and views to customize them you can do so with

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Flightsadmin\CrudGenerator\CrudGeneratorServiceProvider"