
Laravel favorable package to like, dislike and favorite your models

0.0.7 2023-03-30 09:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-30 02:58:33 UTC


Laravel favorable package to like, dislike and favorite your models.

Composer Install

composer require flarone/laravel-favorable

Then run the migrations

php artisan migrate

Setup your models

class Article extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
	use \Flarone\Favoriteable\Favoriteable;

Sample Usage

$model->favorite(); // favorite the model for current user
$model->favorite($myUserId); // pass in your own user id
$model->favorite(0); // just add favorites to the count, and don't track by user

$model->defavorite(); // remove favorite from the model
$model->defavorite($myUserId); // pass in your own user id
$model->defavorite(0); // remove favorites from the count -- does not check for user

$model->favoriteCount; // get count of favorites

$model->favorites; // Iterable Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection of existing favorites

$model->favorited(); // check if currently logged in user favorited the model

Model::whereFavoritedBy($myUserId) // find only models where user favorited them
	->with('favoriteCounter') // highly suggested to allow eager load

Extending the favorite model

You can extend the favorite model if needed. To do this create your own Favorite model and let it extend the following favorite base model:


Next, publish the configuration file with the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Flarone\Favoriteable\FavoriteableServiceProvider" --tag="config"

The favorable config file will be copied into your config directory. In this file adjust the favorite_model to your own created model.
