
There is no license information available for the latest version (v1.0.23) of this package.

The Flowork PHP client

v1.0.23 2024-06-06 08:02 UTC



composer require flowork/sdk


Vanilla PHP

use Flowork\Document;

$params = [
    //...document params

header('Content-Type: application/pdf');

echo Document::instance('my-token-key')

In Laravel

use Flowork;

$params = [
    //...document params

$pdf = Flowork::document($params)->render();

Defining default values

use Flowork\Document;

$defaults = [
    'template' => '9840mjlep0ou34ko4d',
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'tax'      => [
        'name'      => 'VAT',
        'rate'      => 0.14,
        'reference' => 'V98756799373',

$params = [
    //...document params

$pdf = Document::instance('my-token-key', $defaults)

In Laravel

/* todo */

Document from array input

use Flowork\Document;

$params = [
    'title'     => 'Tax Invoice',
    'date'      => date('Y-m-d'),
    'due'       => date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * 30),
    'number'    => 'INVOO1',
    'recipient' => [
        'name'        => 'Acme & Co',
        'address'     => ['102 Main Avenue', 'Jacksonville', 'Mysharona', 'VX975 933'],
        'email'       => ''
    'items'     => [
            'description' => 'Monthly subscription ' . date('F Y'),
            'qty'         => 1,
            'amount'      => 20.00,
            'taxable'     => true

$pdf = Document::instance('my-token-key', $defaults)

Document from fluent document builder interface

use Flowork\Document;

$invoice = Document::builder()
    ->title('Tax Invoice')
    ->due(date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * 30))
        'Acme & Co', ['102 Main Avenue', 'Jacksonville', 'Mysharona', 'VX975 933']
    ->tax('VAT', 0.14, 'V98756799373')
    ->item('Monthly subscription ' . date('F Y'), 1, 20.00, true)
    ->item('Priority support add-on', 1, 5.00, true);

$pdf = Document::instance('my-token-key', $defaults)

In Laravel using callable interface

use Flowork;

$document = Flowork::document(function ($builder) {
    $builder->title('Tax Invoice')
        ->due(date('Y-m-d', time() + 86400 * 30))
            'Acme & Co', ['102 Main Avenue', 'Jacksonville', 'Mysharona', 'VX975 933']
        ->item('Monthly subscription ' . date('F Y'), 1, 20.00, true)
        ->item('Priority support add-on', 1, 5.00, true);

return response()->streamDownload(function () use ($document) {
    echo $document->render();
}, $document->attribute('number') . '.pdf', ['Content-Type' => 'application/pdf']);