
Webhook Gateway client for Laravel

0.2.3 2023-11-01 15:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 20:45:04 UTC


Webhook Gateway client for Laravel

This package is developed to share events between micro-services and 3rd party integrations.


Install using composer:

composer require firevel/webhook-gateway-laravel-client

Publish config:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Firevel\WebhookGatewayLaravelClient\Providers\WebhookGatewayClientServiceProvider" --tag="config"


Client is responsible for receiving events from Webhook Gateway and dispatching them as internal Laravel events.


  1. Create client account on Webhook Gateway using client url (by default https://[HOST]/events).
  2. Set client secret in config/webhookgateway.php or WEBHOOKGATEWAY_CLIENT_SECRET env variable.


Set channels you would like to listen to in Webhook Gateway subscribers section. Events are always starting with service for example billing.invoice.created.

Event::listen('billing.invoice.created', function ($invoice) {

You can also use Laravel event listeners.

protected $listen = [
    'billing.invoice.created' => [

Events include WebhookEvent $event payload, that contains methods:

$event->getData(); // Get event data array.
$event->getData(''); // Get event data using "dot" annotation.
$event->getChannel(); // Get event channel name.
$event->getMeta(); // Get event meta data array.
$event->getMeta(''); // Get meta data using "dot" annotation.
$event->getId(); // Get event id.
$event->getSubscription(); // Get event subscription array.

You can set custom webhook event class in webhookgateway.event_class configuration.


Use service configuration to share Laravel events with Webhook Gateway and other micro-services.


  1. Create a new service at Webhook Gateway and set service name with service secret.
  2. Set Webhook Gateway service name, and secret in config/webhookgateway.php.
  3. Select events you would like to share with Webhook Gateway using webhookgateway.channels config.


Sharing events

Events matching webhookgateway.channels pattern, are going to be shared with other micro services subscribed to namespace used in channels configuration. Webhook Gateway will automatically add service prefix to every event dispatched.

For example if you are using service name billing and setup channel

'invoice.created' => [
    'eloquent.created: App/Models/Invoice',

every save event of invoice model going to be dispatched as billing.invoice.created.

Eloquent events

By default, eloquent models are transformer to array using (array) $model. If you would like to customize event format add to your model:

 * Get the event data array for the model.
 * @return array
public function toEventArray()
    return [
        // Your code here...

You can also attach meta data to each event by adding to your model:

 * Get the event meta data array.
 * @return array
public function eventMetadata()
    // Your code here...

Laravel events

To share Laravel events with event gateway you can use regular webhookgateway.channels configuration for example:

'user.suspended' => [

You can use toEventArray and eventMetadata method to customize payload or meta data.


Can I use WebHook gateway as Event Broadcasting driver?

You would need to build custom driver (check Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting). Broadcasting driver is not the part of this package as laravel broadcasting was developed for other purposes (web sockets).


  • SpringboardVR for initial implementation.