
Fuacetpay payment api

1.1.0 2023-05-07 14:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-07 17:56:22 UTC


This is a PHP package for the Faucetpay API. It provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with the Faucetpay API, which allows you to send and receive cryptocurrency payments.


To use this package, you can install it via composer:

composer require firdavs/faucetpay

For public all vendor config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Firdavs\FaucetPackageServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Add env file faucetpay api key:



First, you need to create an instance of the Firdavs\Faucetpay class:

use Firdavs\Faucetpay;

$faucetpay = new Faucetpay();

By default, the constructor will use the test123465 API key and BTC cryptocurrency. You can override these values by specifying them in the config/faucetpay.php file in your Laravel application.

Get Balance

You can get the balance of your Faucetpay account by calling the getBalance method:

$balance = $faucetpay->getBalance();

By default, it will return the balance of the BTC cryptocurrency. You can specify a different cryptocurrency by passing its symbol as a parameter:

$balance = $faucetpay->getBalance('ETH');

List of All Crypto

You can get a list of all cryptocurrencies supported by Faucetpay by calling the currencies method:

$currencies = $faucetpay->currencies();

Check Address

You can check if a given address belongs to a Faucetpay user by calling the checkAddress method:

$address = '...'; // Replace with the address you want to check
$result = $faucetpay->checkAddress($address);

Send Payment

You can send cryptocurrency payments to any Faucetpay address by calling the send method:

$address = '...'; // Replace with the address you want to send to
$amount = 0.001; // Replace with the amount you want to send
$result = $faucetpay->send($address, $amount);

By default, it will send a payment in the BTC cryptocurrency. You can specify a different cryptocurrency by passing its symbol as a third parameter:

$result = $faucetpay->send($address, $amount, 'ETH');

List of Recent Transactions

You can get a list of your recent transactions by calling the recent method:

$transactions = $faucetpay->recent($count = 10, $cripto = '');


This package was created by Firdavs Sharipov.