
Lorem ipsum generator with german language option.

v1.0.2 2016-03-30 22:59 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-19 02:40:53 UTC



  • Playing around with php-packages and use with github for laravel+compose
  • Improved random number generator for word selection, ca. three times faster and better randomness using mt_rand function
  • Added German language text.

install using composer:

composer require filsecker/lorem-ipsum

Basic Usage and Description

The german version is based upon the translated latin text by Marcus Tullius Cicero

  • Function getContent:

Call of getContent will return a 'Lorem Ipsum' text in the selected format 'html', 'plain' or 'txt'. default value is 'html' Format 'plain' is without parahraphs. 'txt' means intend paragraphs and line breaks.


  • $wordsPerParagraph .. used when you generate a loreipsum-text with a specified word count. maximum value, exact paragraph words count varies.

  • $format .. see description before ( 'html', 'plain' or 'txt' )

  • $loremipsum .. boolean, if set to true paragraphes will begin with 'Lorem Ipsum'

  • $language .. available languages are 'latin' and 'german', default parameter value is 'latin'

    $generator = new Filsecker\LoremIpsum\LoremIpsumGenerator($wordsPerParagraph=100,$language='latin'); $numbOfWords=1000; $format = 'html'; $loremipsum = true;

    echo $generator->getContent($numbOfWords, $format, $loremipsum);

  • Function getParagraphs($nrOfParagraphs,$format='array',$loremipsum=true)

allowed formats are 'array' for a php array as return value and 'html' and 'txt'.

example: $generator->getParagraphs(3,'html',true ) ;

you can also adjust for paragraph length using two parameters for mean and standard deviation of the number of sentences(showing default values:)

getParagraphs($nrOfParagraphs=1,$format='array',$loremipsum=true, $paragraphMean = 5, $paragraphStDev = 2)

Live URL

none available, just a library

Outside code