
API Connect Filerobot

dev-master 2022-01-10 07:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 13:35:01 UTC


Installation instructions


Simple installation via Composer

composer require filerobot/storage

Your config/filesystems.php.

'filerobot' => [
    'driver' => 'filerobot',
    'key' => env('FILEROBOT_KEY_ID'),

Your .env




Files operations

List or search files

Lists all files in your Filerobot container. You can alternatively search by providing a search string. Can be recursive. example: type:folder_namew

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->listContents('folder:api-demo', false);

You can add collect.

return collect(Storage::disk('filerobot')->listContents('folder:api-demo', false))->where('name','test01')->first();

Get file or folder details

Retrieving a file's or folder details over UUID requires to authenticate against the API.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->read('63accfbe-d1a1-502b-a1f6-47397645000e');

Rename file or folder

Renames the file or folder with the value given in the body.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->rename($uuid, $name_change);

Move file

Will move the file or folder to a new folder. The folder will be created if it doesn't already exist.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->copy($uuid, $name_change);

Delete file

Delete a file using its UUID as reference.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->delete($file_uuid);

Upload files

Multiple methods are available to suit different needs

- Method 1 - multipart/form-data request
$config = [
    'name' => foder_name, // example '/api-demo'
    'type' => 'multipart'
$image = public_path('4090e6607e8bea2c9845b12630a927fd.jpg');
$name_upload = 'test01.png';
Storage::disk('filerobot')->put($name_upload, $image,$config);
- Method 2 - URL(s) of remotely hosted file(s)
$config = [
    'name' => forde_name, // example '/api-demo'
    'type' => 'remote'
$content = [
        "name" => 'test03.png',
        "url"  => ''

Storage::disk('filerobot')->put(null, json_encode($content),$config);
- Method 3 - base64-encoded content
$config = [
    'name' => folder_name, // example '/api-demo'
    'type' => 'base64'
$image  = base64_encode(file_get_contents('4090e6607e8bea2c9845b12630a927fd.jpg'));
$name_upload = 'test01.png';
Storage::disk('filerobot')->put($name_upload, $image,$config);
- Upload file stream
$config = [
    'name' => folder_name, // example '/api-demo'

$image  = fopen(public_path('4090e6607e8bea2c9845b12630a927fd.jpg'),"r");
$name_upload = 'test01.png';
Storage::disk('filerobot')->put($name_upload, $image,$config);

Folders operations

List and search folders

Lists all folders in your Filerobot container. You can search by providing a search string. Can be recursive. example: type:folder_name

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->listContents('folder:api-demo', false);

Get folder details

Gets all information of a folder identified by its folder_uuid. This API will also allow you to check the existence of a folder.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->read('63accfbe-d1a1-502b-a1f6-47397645000e');

Rename folder

Renames the folder identified by its folder_uuid to the value given in the body

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->rename($uuid, $name_change);

Move folder

Will move a folder, identified by its folder_uuid to a new location (folder) which can be identified by destination_folder_uuid.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->copy($folder_uuid, $destination_folder_uuid);

Delete folder

Deletes a folder and all sub-folders recursively.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->deleteDirectory($folder_uuid);

Create folder

Creates a folder from the value given in the body.

return Storage::disk('filerobot')->makeDirectory($folder_name);