
Aliyun OSS adapter based on flysystem, Support client side encryption, Compatible Laravel 9|10

v2.0.3 2023-09-20 10:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-20 11:59:48 UTC


Flysystem for Aliyun oss, support Laravel 9/10

  • CDN or custom domain name
  • Bucket switch (at the same endpoint)
  • Object ACL
  • Custom Aliyun options
  • OSS directly and verify
  • Compatible with Laravel
  • Client side encryption


  • PHP 8.0.2+


composer require filacare/flysystem-oss

Basic Usage

use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Filacare\Flysystem\Oss\OssAdapter;

$config = [
    'accessKeyId'     => 'yourAccessKeyId',      // required
    'accessKeySecret' => 'yourAccessKeySecret',  // required
    'endpoint'        => 'yourEndpoint',         // required
    'isCName'         => false,
    'securityToken'   => null,
    'bucket'          => 'bucketName',           // required
    'root'            => '',  // Global directory prefix
    'cdnUrl'          => '',  // if use cdn
    'options'         => [],  // Custom oss request header options
    'visibility'      => 'public',
    'encryptionKey'   => ''  // Must be 32 characters or ''
$adapter = new OssAdapter($config);
$driver = new Filesystem($adapter);

// use dirver
// use adapter
$adapter->getUrl($path);   // get web visit url
$adapter->bucket($bucket); // switch bucket in same endpoint
$adapter->cdnUrl($cdnUrl); // If you use cdn, don't forget to switch the cdn
// use client

For details, please check:


  1. Add in the disks of the config/filesystems.php configuration file
'oss' => [
    'driver'          => 'oss',
    'accessKeyId'     => env('OSS_ACCESS_KEY', ''),  // required
    'accessKeySecret' => env('OSS_SECRET_KEY', ''),  // required
    'endpoint'        => env('OSS_ENDPOINT', ''),    // required
    'isCName'         => env('OSS_IS_CNAME', false),
    'securityToken'   => null,
    'bucket'          => env('OSS_BUCKET', ''),      // required
    'root'            => env('OSS_ROOT', ''),  // Global directory prefix 
    'cdnUrl'          => '',  // if use cdn
    'options'         => [],  // Custom oss request header options
    'visibility'      => env('OSS_VISIBILITY', 'public'),
    'encryptionKey'   => '' // Must be 32 characters or ''
  1. Usage in Laravel File
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
Storage::disk('oss')->put($path, $contents, $options = []);

For details, please check

Security Setting (Optional)

Default object visibility acl is public(Equivalent to public_read), a default visibility setting can be added, this works without passing any visibility options.

'visibility' => 'private' // Optional, default visibility acl

or higher priority:

$driver->writeStream(string $path, $contents, ['visibility' => 'private']);
Storage::disk('oss')->put($path, $contents, 'private');

Override option, the above settings will be invalid.

'options' => [
    'x-oss-object-acl' => 'private' // public or private


If the default policy is private and you want SpatieMediaLibrary to default to public_read, please add it to remote.extra_headers in the config/media-library.php file.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="config"
'visibility' => 'public',

Client side encryption

Libsodium Stream encryption. Implemented using generators, high performance.
Upload automatic encryption, download automatic decryption.

EncryptionKey and chunkSize cannot be changed after use, otherwise they cannot be decrypted. Please decrypt the storage before modifying or keep this option in mind.

'encryptionKey'   => '', // Must be 32 characters or ''
'chunkSize'       => '', // Default is 4096


Refactoring based on, thanks to the author for his contribution.