Up-to-date European VAT Rates

v2.3.3 2021-10-01 00:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:32:57 UTC


Up-to-date European VAT Rates


VAT rates stored in JSON format, with Javascript and PHP classes for easy access.




<script src='https://unpkg.com/vatrates@2/dist/vatrates.min.js'></script>
<!-- or -->
<script src='https://unpkg.com/vatrates@2/dist/vatrates.js'></script>


npm install vatrates


For the PHP package:

composer require staaky/vatrates


Require vatrates or use a script tag to include vatrates.js:

var vatRates = require('vatrates');
<script src='vatrates.js'></script>

An instance created with new VATRates() gives you several VAT rate functions. It's recommended to always use an isVATCountry() check before using them, like this:

var VATRates = require('vatrates');

var vatRates = new VATRates();
if (vatRates.isVATCountry('RO')) {
    console.log(vatRates.getSuperReducedRate('RO')); // -> undefined
    console.log(vatRates.getReducedRates('RO'));     // -> [5, 9]
    console.log(vatRates.getStandardRate('RO'));     // -> 19
    console.log(vatRates.getParkingRate('RO'));      // -> undefined

Default rates are for today, to get rates for a different day pass in a Date:

var vatRates = new VATRates(new Date('2016-01-01'));
if (vatRates.isVATCountry('RO')) {
    console.log(vatRates.getStandardRate('RO')); // -> 20

You can also change the date by calling setDate() on a previously created instance:

var vatRates = new VATRates();
vatRates.setDate(new Date('2015-01-01'));
if (vatRates.isVATCountry('RO')) {
    console.log(vatRates.getStandardRate('RO')); // -> 24


Another approach is to use getCountry(), it returns a VATCountry or undefined if the country doesn't use VAT. With a VATCountry you'll have all the VAT rate functions and some extra helpers.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
var country;
if ((country = vatRates.getCountry('GB'))) {
    console.log(country.getName());             // -> "United Kingdom"
    console.log(country.getCode());             // -> "UK"
    console.log(country.getCountryCode());      // -> "GB"
    console.log(country.getSuperReducedRate()); // -> undefined
    console.log(country.getReducedRates());     // -> [5]
    console.log(country.getStandardRate());     // -> 20
    console.log(country.getParkingRate());      // -> undefined

The United Kingdom and Greece use extra non standard country codes "UK" and "EL", these are also accepted.

vatRates.getCountry('UK'); // -> same result as 'GB'


Returns an Array of all the countries using VAT, as VATCountry's.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
var countries = vatRates.getCountries();

countries.forEach(function(country) {
  console.log(country.getCountryCode() + " has VAT: " + country.getStandardRate());


Set the Date for which to return VAT rates.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
vatRates.setDate(new Date('2015-01-01'));

This is identical to:

var vatRates = new VATRates(new Date('2015-01-01'));

All other functions take this date into account, so make sure to always set the date first.


Returns true if a country uses VAT, or false if not.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
console.log(vatRates.isVATCountry('FR')); // -> true
console.log(vatRates.isVATCountry('US')); // -> false


Returns the super reduced rate for a country, or undefined when none is available.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
if (vatRates.isVATCountry('FR')) {
  console.log(vatRates.getSuperReducedRate('FR')); // -> 2.1

A VATCountry returned by getCountry() offers this method directly.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
var country;
if ((country = vatRates.getCountry('FR'))) {
  console.log(country.getName());             // -> "France"
  console.log(country.getSuperReducedRate()); // -> 2.1


Returns an Array of reduced rates for a country, or undefined when none are available.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
if (vatRates.isVATCountry('IE')) {
  console.log(vatRates.getReducedRates('IE')); // -> [9, 13.5]

A VATCountry offers this method directly.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
var country;
if ((country = vatRates.getCountry('IE'))) {
  console.log(country.getName());         // -> "Ireland"
  console.log(country.getReducedRates()); // -> [9, 13.5]


Returns the standard rate for a country, or undefined when none is available.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
if (vatRates.isVATCountry('NL')) {
  console.log(vatRates.getStandardRate('NL')); // -> 21

A VATCountry offers this method directly.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
var country;
if ((country = vatRates.getCountry('NL'))) {
  console.log(country.getName());         // -> "Netherlands"
  console.log(country.getStandardRate()); // -> 21


Returns the parking rate for a country, or undefined when none is available.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
if (vatRates.isVATCountry('LU')) {
  console.log(vatRates.getParkingRate('LU')); // -> 14

A VATCountry offers this method directly.

var vatRates = new VATRates();
var country;
if ((country = vatRates.getCountry('LU'))) {
  console.log(country.getName());        // -> "Luxembourg"
  console.log(country.getParkingRate()); // -> 14


After installing through Composer use Staaky\VATRates\VATRates

composer require staaky/vatrates
use Staaky\VATRates\VATRates;

An instance created with new VATRates() gives you several VAT rate functions. It's recommended to always use an isVATCountry() check before using them, like this:

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if ($vatRates->isVATCountry('RO')) {
    var_dump($vatRates->getSuperReducedRate('RO')); // -> null
    var_dump($vatRates->getReducedRates('RO'));     // -> [5, 9]
    var_dump($vatRates->getStandardRate('RO'));     // -> 19
    var_dump($vatRates->getParkingRate('RO'));      // -> null

Default rates are for today, to get rates for a different day pass in a DateTime:

$vatRates = new VATRates(new DateTime('2016-01-01'));
if ($vatRates->isVATCountry('RO')) {
    var_dump($vatRates->getStandardRate('RO')); // -> 20

You can also change the date by calling setDate() on a previously created instance:

$vatRates = new VATRates();
$vatRates->setDate(new DateTime('2015-01-01'));
if ($vatRates->isVATCountry('RO')) {
    var_dump($vatRates->getStandardRate('RO')); // -> 24


Another approach is to use getCountry(), it returns a VATCountry or null if the country doesn't use VAT. With a VATCountry you'll have all the VAT rate functions and some extra helpers.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if (($country = $vatRates->getCountry('GB'))) {
    var_dump($country->getName());             // -> "United Kingdom"
    var_dump($country->getCode());             // -> "UK"
    var_dump($country->getCountryCode());      // -> "GB"
    var_dump($country->getSuperReducedRate()); // -> null
    var_dump($country->getReducedRates());     // -> [5]
    var_dump($country->getStandardRate());     // -> 20
    var_dump($country->getParkingRate());      // -> null

The United Kingdom and Greece use extra non standard country codes "UK" and "EL", these are also accepted.

$vatRates->getCountry('UK'); // -> same result as 'GB'


Returns an array of all the countries using VAT, as VATCountry's.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
$countries = $vatRates->getCountries();

foreach ($countries as $country) {
  print_r($country->getCountryCode() . " has VAT: " . $country->getStandardRate() . "\n");

setDate(DateTime $date)

Set the date for which to return VAT rates.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
$vatRates->setDate(new DateTime('2015-01-01'));

This is identical to:

$vatRates = new VATRates(new DateTime('2015-01-01'));

All other functions take this date into account, so make sure to always set the date first.


Returns true if a country uses VAT, or false if not.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
var_dump($vatRates->isVATCountry('FR')); // -> true
var_dump($vatRates->isVATCountry('US')); // -> false


Returns the super reduced rate for a country, or null if none is available.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if ($vatRates->isVATCountry('FR')) {
  var_dump($vatRates->getSuperReducedRate('FR')); // -> 2.1

A VATCountry returned by getCountry() offers this method directly.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if (($country = $vatRates->getCountry('FR'))) {
  var_dump($country->getName());             // -> "France"
  var_dump($country->getSuperReducedRate()); // -> 2.1


Returns an array of reduced rates for a country, or null if none are available.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if ($vatRates->isVATCountry('IE')) {
  var_dump($vatRates->getReducedRates('IE')); // -> [9, 13.5]

A VATCountry offers this method directly.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if (($country = $vatRates->getCountry('IE'))) {
  var_dump($country->getName());         // -> "Ireland"
  var_dump($country->getReducedRates()); // -> [9, 13.5]


Returns the standard rate for a country, or null when none is available.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if ($vatRates->isVATCountry('NL')) {
  var_dump($vatRates->getStandardRate('NL')); // -> 21

A VATCountry offers this method directly.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if (($country = $vatRates->getCountry('NL'))) {
  var_dump($country->getName());         // -> "Netherlands"
  var_dump($country->getStandardRate()); // -> 21


Returns the parking rate for a country, or null when none is available.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if ($vatRates->isVATCountry('LU')) {
  var_dump($vatRates->getParkingRate('LU')); // -> 14

A VATCountry offers this method directly.

$vatRates = new VATRates();
if (($country = $vatRates->getCountry('LU'))) {
  var_dump($country->getName());        // -> "Luxembourg"
  var_dump($country->getParkingRate()); // -> 14



Use webpack to create a new build after you've made changes.



Use gulp to load up the page in the /example folder. It shows the output of all files (Javascript, JSON & PHP) and automatically rebuilds with webpack as you modify source code.


Unit Tests

Run unit tests using npm test, this runs tests for every language.

npm test

Javascript tests are run with Mocha and PHP tests with Peridot. They can be run individually as well:

npm run mocha
npm run peridot


VAT rates are kept up to date manually using data from the European Commission and VATLive.com. Initial historic rates are based on data from jsonvat.com.

If you notice an incorrect rate please create an issue or send a pull request. Future VAT changes can also be added to the JSON file. If you know of an upcoming change that isn't listed yet, please let me know.

Data on historic VAT rates is also appreciated. This can be hard to track down, especially the non-standard rates.

Flattr VATRates


VATRates is MIT Licensed