
Big number with no external dependencies

0.1.603 2016-01-12 15:23 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-08 19:15:54 UTC


A php bignumber class that does not have any external dependency. Based on the myoddweb.bignumber.cpp project


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In your project


You can install this library using Composer.

    "require": {
        "ffmg/myoddweb.bignumber.php": "0.1.*"

And then simply include "require_once "vendor/autoload.php"" in your script, (or whatever path you use to composer).

You can also browse the package directly.

Direct download

Simply include the file "path/to/code/BigNumber.php" in your project.
The other files are just testing and this project.

// in your script
include "path/to/code/BigNumber.php"

// use it
$lhs = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber( 10 );
$lhs = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber( 10 );
$sum = $lhs->Add( $rhs );	// = 20

// good times...


// without composer 
include "path/to/code/BigNumber.php"

// with composer
include "MyOddweb\BigNumber\BigNumber.php"

Simple usage:

See the various tests for more sample code.

Big numbers using strings

// using strings
$x = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber("18446744073709551615");
$y = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber("348446744073709551615");
$sum = $x->Add( $y )->ToString();


// using int
$x = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber(17);
$y = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber(26);
$sum = $x->Add( $y )->ToInt();


// using doubles
$x = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber(17.0);
$y = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber(26.0);
$sum = $x->Add( $y )->ToDouble();

Convert to another base

// output number to base 2.
$x = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber(5);
$base2 = $x->ToBase( 2 );	// =101 (base 2)

// fraction/real numbers
// output number to base 8 with decimals.
$x = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber(10.8);
$base2 = x->ToBase( 8, 2 );	// =12.63 (base 8)

You can convert from base 2 to base 62

Operations in one line:


$x = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber("17")->Add(\MyOddWeb\BigNumber("26"))->ToInt();


$x = new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber(1.234)->Add(\MyOddWeb\BigNumber(2.345))->ToDouble();

Create a single item inline

$x = (new \MyOddWeb\BigNumber( 123 ) )->Log( 20 )->Sub(12)

or you could do the same without the 'new' argument.

$x = \MyOddWeb\BigNumber( 123 )->Log( 20 )->Sub(12)


Math functions

  • Add( number ) : Add 'number' to 'this' number.
  • Sub( number ) : Subtract 'number' from 'this' number.
  • Mul( number ) : Multiply 'number' to 'this' number.
  • Div( number ) : Divide 'this' by 'number' number.
  • Add( number ) : Add 'number' to 'this' number.
  • Factorial() : The factorial of this number, (!n)
  • Mod( number ) : The mod of 'this' number, (n % m). The remainder of the division.
  • Quotient( number ) : : The quotient of dividing 'this' number with this 'number'.
  • Pow( number ) : 'this' raised to 'number' (n * n * n * ...).
    • Negative number.
  • Exp() : e raised to the power 'this'
  • Ln() : logarithm base e of 'this'.
  • Root( number ) : The nth root of 'this' number.
  • Sqrt() : The square root of 'this' number.

Other functions

  • IsNeg() : If 'this' number is negative or not.

  • IsZero() : If 'this' number is zero or not.

  • IsNan() : If 'this' number is Not a number or not, (NAN). This is the result of divide by zero or negative factorials for example.

  • IsOdd() : If 'this' number is odd.

  • IsEven() : If 'this' number is even.

  • Compare( number ) : -ve = smaller / +ve = greater / 0 = same.

    • IsEqual( number ) : If 'this' is equal to 'number'.
    • IsUnequal( number ) : If 'this' is not equal to 'number'.
    • IsGreater( number ) : If 'this' is greater than 'number'.
    • IsLess( number ) : If 'this' is less than 'number'.
    • IsGreaterEqual( number ) : If 'this' is greater or equal to 'number'.
    • IsLessEqual( number ) : If 'this' is less or equal to 'number'.
  • IsInteger() : If 'this' number is a whole number positive or negative.

  • ToInt() : convert to int.

  • ToDouble() : convert to double.

  • ToString() : Output the number as a string, (if you want to limit the number of decimals use the ToBase( ... ) funtion).

  • ToBase( base = 10[, precision=100] ) : convert to string.

    • You can pass a base number to convert to, the default is base 10. The allowed bases are 2-62. The values are 0-9 then A-Z then a-z
    • You can use the precision to limit the number of decimals been returned in the string output.
  • Abs() : Get the absolute value of the number

  • Trunc( precision ) : Truncate the number, strip the decimals. (+/-n.xyz = n)

  • Ceil( precision ) : Round the number up (2.1 = 3 / -2.1 = -2)

  • Floor( precision ) : Round the number down (2.1 = 2 / -2.1 = -3)

  • ToDegree( ... ) : convert this from a Radian to a Degree given a certain precision.

  • ToRadiant( ... ) : convert this from a Degree to a Radian given a certain precision.



see the myoddweb.bignumber.cpp project as functions are added here after they are added to the cpp project.