
Complete repository model with laravel doctrine

1.4.2 2019-03-21 20:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-22 08:55:32 UTC


Complete repository model with laravel doctrine.


The doctrine laravel library is used as the base of the repository class. Documentation of lib laravel doctrine





Install this package with composer:

composer require fernandozueet/laravel-doctrine-repository

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


To publish the config use:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="configRepository"

Step by step

1- Configure your connection to the database .env

2- Configure extra doctrine information. config/doctrine.php

3- Generate the entities

php artisan make:doctrine-repository:entities

4- Generate repository file.

File will be created by default app/Repositories folder. You can change the folder in the config/doctrine.php file.

ATTENTION!! use the same entity name

php artisan make:doctrine-repository User

Create file inside a folder

php artisan make:doctrine-repository SubPath/User


Example class repository

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php


 * User entity repository. 
 * Code generated by cli command.
 * @see http://github.com/fernandozueet/laravel-doctrine-repository
 * @copyright 2018

namespace App\Repositories\User;

use Ldr\Src\DoctrineBaseRepository;

class UserDocRepository extends DoctrineBaseRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface
     * Construct.
    public function __construct()
        $this->main($this->fkEntities, $this->mAlias, __CLASS__);


     * Foreign key entities names.
     * @var array
    private $fkEntities = ['UserGenre'];

     * Main alias.
     * @var string
    private $mAlias = 'u';


     * Method of insertion in the database.
     * Returns the created object.
     * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
     * @return object
    public function create(array $params): object
        //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array
        return $this->setCreateArray([
            'fieldTest2:fk=classNameFk', //foreign key
        ], $params);

     * Method to update. To update more than one data, use the method updateQuery.
     * Returns the created object.
     * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
     * @param int   $id     table id
     * @return object
    public function update(array $params, int $id): object
        //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array
        return $this->setUpdateArray([
            'fieldTest2:fk=classNameFk', //foreign key
        ], $params, $id);

     * Method to update.
     * Returns total of records affected.
     * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
     * @return int
    public function updateQuery(array $params): int
        return $this->mainUpdateQuery(function () use ($params) {
            ], $params);


     * Settings select.
     * All the data from the table.
    public function selectAll()
        $this->select("ug, {$this->mAlias}");


        //set results (optional) - more information see the documentation.

        //set hidration (optional) - more information see the documentation.

        //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array

    * JOINS
     * Inner join UserGenre.
    private function innerJoinUserGenre()
        $this->innerJoin("{$this->mAlias}.userGenre", 'ug');
    * WHERES

     * Where field u.id = ?
     * @param int $value
    public function whereIdEq(int $value)
        return $this->expr('id', '=', $value);


     * Sort by field u.id
     * @param string $value DESC | ASC
    public function orderId(string $value = 'DESC')
        $this->addOrderBy('id', $value);


     * Group by field u.id
    public function groupById()


     * Having field u.id = ?
     * @param int $value
    public function havingIdEq(int $value)
        return $this->expr('id', '=', $value);

    * DQL

    //Dql methods here

Example interface repository

file: app/Repositories/User/UserRepositoryInterface.php


 * User repository interface.
 * Code generated by cli command.
 * @see http://github.com/fernandozueet/laravel-doctrine-repository
 * @copyright 2018

namespace App\Repositories\User;

interface UserRepositoryInterface
    * OTHERS

    //Others here

    public function whereIdEq(int $value);

    public function orderId(string $value = 'DESC');

    public function groupById();

    public function havingIdEq(int $value);


    public function create(array $params): object;

    public function update(array $params, int $id): object;

    public function updateQuery(array $params): int;

    public function selectAll();

    public function setTransaction($conn);

    public function beginTransaction();

    public function commitTransaction();

    public function rollBackTransaction();

    public function find(int $id, string $typeTreat = '', array $treatObject = []): object;

    public function createQuery();

    public function setQuery($query);

    public function getQuery();

    public function readQuery(string $typeTreat = '', array $treatObject = []): object;

    public function paginator(int $firstResult, int $limit);

    public function setMaxResults(int $limit);

    public function orderByRand();

    public function setWhere($param);

    public function setAndWhere($param);

    public function setOrWhere($param);

    public function setCondOrWhere();

    public function setCondAndWhere();

    public function setCondNotWhere();

    public function setParentStartWhere();

    public function setParentEndWhere();

    public function whereExpr($function);

    public function setHaving($param);

    public function setAndHaving($param);

    public function setOrHaving($param);

    public function setCondOrHaving();

    public function setCondAndHaving();

    public function setCondNotHaving();

    public function setParentStartHaving();

    public function setParentEndHaving();

    public function havingExpr($function);

    public function deleteQuery(): bool;

Example class service provider

file: app/Providers/UserDocRepositoryServiceProvider.php


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class UserDocRepositoryServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()

     * Register services.
     * @return void
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface', function ($app) {
            return new \App\Repositories\User\UserDocRepository();

Using different database connections

Configure the new configuration in managers array the config/doctrine.php file you may notice that the default connection name is default. Insert a new position in the array with the settings

'managers' => [
    'default' => [ 
    'otherConnection' => [ 
        //Laravel doctrine repository config
        'LdrConfig' => [
            'namespaceEntities' => 'App\Entities',
        'dev' => env('APP_DEBUG', false),
        'meta' => env('DOCTRINE_METADATA', 'annotations'),
        'connection' => env('DB_CONNECTION', 'mysql'),
        'namespaces' => [],
        'paths' => [

        'repository' => Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository::class,
        'proxies' => [
            'namespace' => false,
            'path' => storage_path('proxies'),
            'auto_generate' => env('DOCTRINE_PROXY_AUTOGENERATE', true),
        | Doctrine events
        | The listener array expects the key to be a Doctrine event
        | e.g. Doctrine\ORM\Events::onFlush
        'events' => [
            'listeners' => [],
            'subscribers' => [],
        'filters' => [],
        | Doctrine mapping types
        | Link a Database Type to a Local Doctrine Type
        | Using 'enum' => 'string' is the same of:
        | $doctrineManager->extendAll(function (\Doctrine\ORM\Configuration $configuration,
        |         \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $connection,
        |         \Doctrine\Common\EventManager $eventManager) {
        |     $connection->getDatabasePlatform()->registerDoctrineTypeMapping('enum', 'string');
        | });
        | References:
        | http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cookbook/custom-mapping-types.html
        | http://doctrine-dbal.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/types.html#custom-mapping-types
        | http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cookbook/advanced-field-value-conversion-using-custom-mapping-types.html
        | http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/basic-mapping.html#reference-mapping-types
        | http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/doctrine/dbal.html#registering-custom-mapping-types-in-the-schematool
        'mapping_types' => [
            //'enum' => 'string'

Using the new connection in the repository:

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

public function __construct()
    parent::__construct('otherConnection'); //set new connection here
    $this->main($this->fkEntities, $this->mAlias, __CLASS__);

Instantiating the created repository

You can use the repository in your controller, service layer or wherever you want.

If you have created the repository with interface.

1 - Instantiating directly:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

2 - Use controller:

 * User repository
 * @var \App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface
private $userRepository;

 * Construct.
 * @return void
public function __construct(\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository)
    $this->userRepository = $userRepository;

if you have not created an interface.

1 - Instantiating directly:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserDocRepository');
$userRepository = new \App\Repositories\User\UserDocRepository();

2 - Use controller:

 * User repository
 * @var \App\Repositories\User\UserDocRepository
private $userRepository;

 * Construct.
 * @return void
public function __construct()
    $this->userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserDocRepository');
    $this->userRepository = new \App\Repositories\User\UserDocRepository();

Entering Data (INSERT)

example table: id, first_name, lastName, user_genre_id, updated_at, created_at.

created_at automatically inserted.

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

 * Method of insertion in the database.
 * Returns the created object.
 * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
 * @return object
public function create(array $params): object
    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array
    return $this->setCreateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params);

Do not automatically inserted createdAt

 * Method of insertion in the database.
 * Returns the created object.
 * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
 * @return object
public function create(array $params): object
    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array
    return $this->setCreateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params, false);

Dealing with the object of return:

 * Method of insertion in the database.
 * Returns the created object.
 * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
 * @return object
public function create(array $params): object
    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array

    //Ex 1: The return object will return only the firstName and lastName fields
    return $this->setCreateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params, true, 'included', ['firstName','lastName']);

    //Ex 2: The return object will not return the firstName and lastName fields
    return $this->setCreateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params, true, 'excluded', ['firstName','lastName']);

Execute function:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

try {

    $res = $userRepository->create([
        'firstName' => 'Alex',
        'lastName' => 'Silva', 
        'userGenre' => 1

    //Returns the object.

} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

Update Data (UPDATE)

example table: id, first_name, lastName, user_genre_id, updated_at, created_at.

updated_at automatically update.

ATTENTION! To update more than one data, use the method updateQuery.

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

 * Method to update. To update more than one data, use the method updateQuery.
 * Returns the object.
 * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
 * @param int   $id     table id
 * @return object
public function update(array $params, int $id): object
    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array
    return $this->setUpdateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params, $id);

Do not automatically update updatedAt

 * Method to update. To update more than one data, use the method updateQuery.
 * Returns the object.
 * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
 * @param int   $id     table id
 * @return object
public function update(array $params, int $id): object
    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array
    return $this->setUpdateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params, $id, false);

Dealing with the object of return:

 * Method to update. To update more than one data, use the method updateQuery.
 * Returns the object.
 * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
 * @param int   $id     table id
 * @return object
public function update(array $params, int $id): object
    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array

    //Ex 1: The return object will return only the firstName and lastName fields
    return $this->setUpdateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params, $id, true, 'included', ['firstName','lastName']);

    //Ex 2: The return object will not return the firstName and lastName fields
    return $this->setUpdateArray([
        'userGenre:fk=UserGenre', //foreign key
    ], $params, $id, true, 'excluded', ['firstName','lastName']);

Execute function:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

try {

    $res = $userRepository->update([
        'firstName' => 'Alex 2',
        'lastName' => 'Silva 2', 
        'userGenre' => 2
    ], 1);

    //Returns the object

} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

Update Query Data (UPDATE)

example table: id, first_name, lastName, user_genre_id, updated_at, created_at.

updated_at automatically update.

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

 * Method to update.
 * Returns total of records affected.
 * @param array $params Use the same naming convention as the database attribute. In camel case. Ex: firstName
 * @return int
public function updateQuery(array $params): int
    return $this->mainUpdateQuery(function () use ($params) {

        //set individual
        $this->set('firstName', $params['firstName']);
        //set json mysql
        $this->setJsonReplace('name', 'firstName', $params['firstName']);
        $this->setJsonSet('name', 'firstName', $params['firstName']);
        $this->setJsonInsert('name', 'firstName', $params['firstName']);

        //set all array
        ], $params);

        //Do not automatically update updatedAt
        ], $params, false);

Creating the condition for the update:


 * Where field u.id = ?
 * @param int $value
public function whereIdEq(int $value)
    return $this->expr('id', '=', $value);

Execute function:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

try {

    //start query

    $userRepository->whereExpr(function () use ($userRepository) {

        //where id = 17

        //add more conditions here

    $res = $userRepository->updateQuery([
        'firstName' => 'Alex 2',
        'lastName' => 'Silva 2', 
        'userGenre' => 2
    ], 1);

    //total of records affected

} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

Delete Data (DELETE)

Creating the condition for the delete:

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php


 * Where field u.id = ?
 * @param int $value
public function whereIdEq(int $value)
    return $this->expr('id', '=', $value);

Execute function:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

try {

    //start query

    $userRepository->whereExpr(function () use ($userRepository) {

        //where id = 17

        //add more conditions here

    $res = $userRepository->deleteQuery();

    //returned boolean 

} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

Select Data (SELECT)

Select settings:

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php


 * Foreign key entities names.
 * @var array
private $fkEntities = ['UserGenre'];

 * Main alias.
 * @var string
private $mAlias = 'u';


 * Settings select.
 * All the data from the table.
public function selectAll()
    $this->select("ug, {$this->mAlias}"); //brings all the data
    //$this->select("{$this->mAlias}.id, {$this->mAlias}.firsName, {$this->mAlias}.lastName, ug.id, ug.desc"); //brings specific data
    //$this->select("{$this->mAlias}, PARTIAL ug.{id, desc}"); //add result getArrayResult
    //$this->addSelect("ug"); //add select several lines


    //set results (optional) 

    //set hidration (optional) 

    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array

 * Inner join UserLocate.
private function innerJoinUserGenre()
    $this->innerJoin("{$this->mAlias}.userGenre", 'ug');
    //$this->innerJoin('UserGenre', 'ug', 'WITH', "ug.id = {$this->mAlias}.userGenre"); 

 * Left join UserLocate.
private function leftJoinUserGenre()
    $this->leftJoin("{$this->mAlias}.userGenre", 'ug');
    //$this->leftJoin('UserGenre', 'ug', 'WITH', "ug.id = {$this->mAlias}.userGenre"); 

 * Join UserLocate.
private function joinUserGenre()
    $this->join("{$this->mAlias}.userGenre", 'ug');
    //$this->join('UserGenre', 'ug', 'WITH', "ug.id = {$this->mAlias}.userGenre"); 

Creating the condition for the select:


 * Where field u.id = ?
 * @param int $value
public function whereIdEq(int $value)
    return $this->expr('id', '=', $value);

Creating the order by for the select:


 * Sort by field u.id
 * @param string $value DESC | ASC
public function orderId(string $value = 'DESC')
    $this->addOrderBy('id', $value);

Creating the group by for the select:


 * Group by field u.id
public function groupById()

Creating the having for the select:


 * Having field u.id = ?
 * @param int $value
public function havingIdEq(int $value)
    return $this->expr('id', '=', $value);

Execute function:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

try {

    //start query

    //settings select

    //where (optional)
    $userRepository->whereExpr(function () use ($userRepository) {

        //where id = 17

        //where functions
        //$userRepository->setAndWhere($userRepository->whereFirstNameEq('Alex')); // AND firstName = 'alex'
        //$userRepository->setOrWhere($userRepository->whereFirstNameEq('Alex')); // OR firstName = 'alex'
        //$userRepository->setCondAndWhere(); // AND
        //$userRepository->setCondOrWhere(); // OR
        //$userRepository->setCondNotWhere(); // NOT
        //$userRepository->setParentStartWhere(); // (
        //$userRepository->setParentEndWhere(); // )

        //add more conditions here

    //having (optional)
    $userRepository->havingExpr(function () use ($userRepository) {

        //having id = 17

        //where functions
        //$userRepository->setAndHaving($userRepository->havingFirstNameEq('Alex')); // AND firstName = 'alex'
        //$userRepository->setOrHaving($userRepository->havingFirstNameEq('Alex')); // OR firstName = 'alex'
        //$userRepository->setCondAndHaving(); // AND
        //$userRepository->setCondOrHaving(); // OR
        //$userRepository->setCondOrHaving(); // NOT
        //$userRepository->setParentStartHaving(); // (
        //$userRepository->setParentEndHaving(); // )

        //add more conditions here

    //order by (optional)

    //order by rand (optional)

    //group by (optional)

    //max results (optional)

    //paginator (optional)
    $userRepository->paginator(0, 1);

    //results - original result
    $res = $userRepository->readQuery();

    //results - will return only the firstName and lastName fields. 
    //Works only when all data is returned and no setQueryResultFormat is set.
    $res = $userRepository->readQuery('included', ['firstName','lastName']);

    //results - will not return the firstName and lastName fields.
    //Works only when all data is returned and no setQueryResultFormat is set.
    $res = $userRepository->readQuery('excluded', ['firstName','lastName']);

    //returned results 

} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

Find by id

Execute function:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

try {

    $res = $userRepository->find(36);


    //find - will return only the firstName and lastName fields. 
    $res = $userRepository->find(36, 'included', ['firstName','lastName']);


    //find - will not return the firstName and lastName fields.
    $res = $userRepository->find(36, 'excluded', ['firstName','lastName']);
    //returned results 

} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();


Execute function:

$userGenre = app('\App\Repositories\UserGenre\UserGenreRepositoryInterface');
$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

//init transaction
$transaction = $userGenre->beginTransaction();

//insert userGenre
try {

    //set transaction
    $res = $userGenre->create([
        'desc' => 'woman'

} catch (\Exception $e) {


    return $e->getMessage();

//insert user
try {


    $res = $userRepository->create([
        'firstName' => 'Alex',
        'lastName' => 'Silva', 
        'userGenre' => $res->id

} catch (\Exception $e) {


    return $e->getMessage();

//commit data


Creating query:

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php


 * Select with dql.
 * @param array $params
 * @return object
public function selectDql(array $params): object
    $this->createQueryDql("SELECT u FROM {$this->entityMain} AS u WHERE u.id = ?0"); //dql query
    $this->setParameterDql(0, $params['id']); //set parameter
    $this->paginatorDql($params['firstResult'], $params['maxResults']); //paginator

    //$this->setReturn('doctrine'); //optional - default: array

    return $this->getResultDql(); 


    //result - will return only the firstName and lastName fields. 
    return $this->getResultDql('included', ['firstName','lastName']);


    //find - will not return the firstName and lastName fields.
    return $this->getResultDql('excluded', ['firstName','lastName']);

Execute function:

$userRepository = app('\App\Repositories\User\UserRepositoryInterface');

try {

    //dql select
    $res = $userRepository->selectDql([
        'id' => 1,
        'firstResult' => 0, 
        'maxResults' => 5

    //returned results 

} catch (\Exception $e) {

    return $e->getMessage();

Where and having options

These options are valid for where and having.

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

 * Where field u.id = ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdEq(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '=', $id);

 * Where field json u.name.firstname LIKE ?
 * @param string $value
public function whereNameFirstNameLike(string $value)
    return $this->expr($this->fieldJson('name', 'firstName'), 'LIKE', "%$value%", false);

 * Where field ug.id = ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereUserGenreIdEq(int $id)
    return $this->expr('ug.id', '=', $id, false);

 * Where field u.id > ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdGt(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '>', $id);

 * Where field u.id >= ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdGte(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '>=', $id);

 * Where field u.id < ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdLt(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '<', $id);

 * Where field u.id <= ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdLte(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '<=', $id);

 * Where field u.id <> ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdNeq(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '<>', $id);

 * Where field u.id IS NULL
public function whereIdIsNull()
    return $this->expr('id', 'IS NULL', '');

 * Where field u.id IS NOT NULL
public function whereIdIsNotNull()
    return $this->expr('id', 'IS NOT NULL', '');

 * Where field u.id * ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdProd(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '*', $id);

 * Where field u.id - ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdDiff(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '-', $id);

 * Where field u.id + ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdSum(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '+', $id);

 * Where field u.id / ?
 * @param int $id
public function whereIdQuot(int $id)
    return $this->expr('id', '/', $id);

 * Where field u.id IN (?,?,?,...)
 * @param array $values
public function whereIdIn(array $values)
    return $this->expr('id', 'IN', $values);

 * Where field u.id NOT IN (?,?,?,...)
 * @param array $values
public function whereIdNotIn(array $values)
    return $this->expr('id', 'NOT IN', $values);

 * Where field u.firstName LIKE ?
 * @param string $value
public function whereFirstNameLike(string $value)
    return $this->expr('firstName', 'LIKE', "%$value%");

 * Where field u.firstName NOT LIKE ?
 * @param string $value
public function whereFirstNameNotLike(string $value)
    return $this->expr('firstName', 'NOT LIKE', "%$value%");

 * Where field u.createdAt BETWEEN ? AND ?
 * @param string $value1
 * @param string $value2
 * @return void
public function whereCreatedAtBetween(string $value1, string $value2)
    return $this->expr('createdAt', '', $this->exprBetween($value1, $value2), true, false);

 * Where field u.createdAt NOT BETWEEN ? AND ?
 * @param string $value1
 * @param string $value2
 * @return void
public function whereCreatedAtNotBetween(string $value1, string $value2)
    return $this->expr('createdAt', 'NOT', $this->exprBetween($value1, $value2), true, false);

Order by options

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

 * Sort by field u.id
 * @param string $value DESC | ASC
public function orderId(string $value = 'DESC')
    $this->addOrderBy('id', $value);

 * Sort by field ug.id
 * @param string $value DESC | ASC
public function orderUserGenreId(string $value = 'DESC')
    $this->addOrderBy('ug.id', $value, false);

Group by options

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

 * Group by field u.id
public function groupById()

 * Group by field ug.id
public function groupByUserGenreId()
    $this->addGroupBy('ug.id', false);

Extra functions

file: app/Repositories/User/UserDocRepository.php

//principal entity namespace (string)
//namespaces of entities (array)
//principal entity name (string)
//search entity (string)
//get reference
$this->getReference("UserGenre", $id);
//json extract mysql - name.firstName
$this->fieldJson('name', 'firstName');
//created name parameter.
//will pass the die to bind :dc_value1


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover security related issues, please email fernandozueet@hotmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The PHP Upload and Image Manipulation is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.