
Adminer (by Jakub Vrana) wrapper for Laravel 5.8+

1.0.1 2020-03-25 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-25 10:04:42 UTC


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Laravel 5.8 + wrapper for Adminer. Adminer is a fast single-file database manager/explorer tool written by Jakub Vrana. It's a great replacement for PhpMyAdmin (also supports PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB).

This package is meant to be used with Laravel as an in-built database manager/explorer. It comes with support for Adminer plugins and themes, which super-charges an already powerful tool.

This package is inspired by: miroc/Laravel-Adminer, senaranya / laravel-adminer
and onecentlin/laravel-adminer

The reason to add this package is to keep it up-to-date with Adminer and add plugin support with SQLITE.

Database view with default theme

Database with default theme

Table view with 'rmsoft' theme

Table with 'rmsoft' theme

Plugins Included


Adds ability to do (fuzzy) search on table names. It's especially useful when you have a large set of tables



To use this package, run:

composer require ferleal/laravel-adminer

To use Adminer to Laravel routes (e.g. /adminer), update routes/web.php:

To autologin Adminer with Laravel default connection:

Route::any('adminer', '\Ferleal\Adminer\Http\Controllers\AdminerController@auto');

If you want to manually provide credentials on the UI instead:

Route::any('adminer', '\Ferleal\Adminer\Http\Controllers\AdminerController@index');

if you want to use sqlite you can use is it like this, just watch out to leave it open I usualy only leave it for internal ip.

Route::any('adminer', '\Ferleal\Adminer\Http\Controllers\AdminerController@sqlite');

Of course, you can add any middleware of your choice to restrict usage:

Route::any('adminer', '\Ferleal\Adminer\Http\Controllers\AdminerController@auto')

Disabling CSRF Middleware

Adminer doesn't work with VerifyCsrfToken middleware, so it has to be disabled on its route. In VerifyCsrfToken.php disable CSRF by adding adminer route to $except array:

protected $except = [

To add plugins

Adminer supports a host of plugins. See CONTRIBUTING to add a new plugin

Adminer Theme (Optional)

Publish theme file (You may use the default theme without executing this action)

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ferleal\Adminer\AdminerServiceProvider"

You may download adminer.css from Adminer or create custom style, and place it into public/vendor/adminer folder.


Beware on leaving Adminer open on production it should used in local or behind a proxy and protected with Laravel Auth middlewares.