
Directly import Eloquent models from excel files

dev-master 2015-08-26 14:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 02:45:33 UTC


This package aims to provide a flexible and reusable solution to import Laravel Eloquent model data directly from excel and csv files


  • Simple & direct import
  • Match column titles to model attributes
  • Import related models
  • Queued importing for multiple files


Add the package in composer.json and run composer update

"require": {
	"feijs/model-importer": "dev-master"

Add the ServiceProvider to the providers in config\app.php



Importable models

Any model which can be imported should implement Model\ImportableInterface and use Model\ImportableTrait

use Feijs\ModelImporter\Model\ImportableTrait as ImportableModelTrait;

class Student extends Eloquent implements ImportableModel
	use ImportableModelTrait;

Imported data is matched with existing data on a set of match attributes. These should be returned by the getMatchAttributes method.

	public function getMatchAttributes() 
		return ['student_id', 'phonenumber'];

These match attributes should be mass assignable, and thus be included in the fillable array

	public $fillable = ['student_id', 'phonenumber', '...'];

Any attributes which should be importable, but not distict, should be returned by the getImportAttributes. These import attributes do not necassarily need to be included in the fillable array.

	public function getImportAttributes()
		return ['name', 'email', 'street', 'zipcode', 'city'];

To import relation data, or link the newly imported models to existing relations, you can specify relations which should be imported. These should be returned by the getImportRelations method. Note that any models specified here should implement Model\ImportableInterface as well.

The following relations may be imported: HasOne, HasMany, BelongsTo, BelongsToMany.

    public function bankAccount(){
        return $this->hasMany('BankAccount');

	public function getImportRelations() { return ['bankAccount']; }

Import functionality


	$importer = App::make('Feijs\ModelImporter\ModelImporter');

CSV Import Settings

You may override the csv import settings and file encoding with the setSettings method.

		'csv' => [
			'enclosure' => '"',		//Default
			'delimiter' => ","		//Default
		'encoding' => 'UTF-8'		//Default



Input for the importer should include at least:

  • file (Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile),
  • overwrite: Update existing data? (boolean)
  • model: an array of model attribute -> column title translations
  • defaults: an array of models -> attributes -> default value

All model names, attributes and column names should be in spinal-case (slugs)

Importing a single file

	$success = $importer->import(Input::all());

	//Equivalent with example input:
	$success = $importer->import([
		'file' 		=> Input::file('data.csv'),
		'overwrite' => false,
		'student'	=> [
				'student_id' 	=> 'studentnumber',
				'phonenumber' 	=> 'mobile',
				'city' 			=> 'city',
		'defaults'  => [ 
				'student' => [ 'city' => 'Amsterdam' ]

Importing multiple files

To import multiple files from a single request, use the Distributor class and the importFiles method. This will queue each file for import. Results will be written to the log.

  • The first parameter is an array with files
  • The second parameter is the same input array as on single file import (except the file)
  • The third parameter is an array with csv & encoding settings
  • The fourth parameter is the classname of the model which is to be imported
	$distributor = App::make('Feijs\ModelImporter\Queue\Distributor;');

	$jobs_queued = distributor->importFiles(
							'file' 	=> Input::file('files'),
							Input::except('csv', 'encoding', 'files'),
							Input::only('csv', 'encoding'),


Input Validation

To get any validation errors (for the model-importer input) call the validationErrors method


Model validation

To get errors encountered during the import (ex. from in-model validation) call the errors method



To find the number of data lines which were succesfully imported, call the getImported method



Model input slug

By default the input should include the slugged model classname. To change this, override the getPrefix method

	public function getPrefix()
		return snake_case(class_basename(get_class($this)));	//default


To change which attributes should be parsed as Carbon objects, override the isDateAttribute function

	public function isDateAttribute($key)
		return in_array($key, $this->getDates());				//default