
Flash mailer client

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Dependents: 1

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Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 25

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 3



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This is the client you should use to send email to Mail Api.

The client can use two kind of transports to send emails:

  • Asynchronous transport implemented by BeanstalkProxyTransport
  • Synchronous transport implemented by BasicTransport

BeanstalkProxyTransport delegate the API consumption to workers by sending email properties to a Beanstalkd queue.

BasicTransport use the classic HTTP layer to send emails.

If asynchronous transport is set, it will act as default transport. Synchronous transport will be a fallback in case when asynchronous transport fails.


Add this requirement to your composer.json: "fei/mailer-client": : "^1.0.0"

Or execute composer.phar require fei/mailer-client in your terminal.

Quick start

Let's start with a simple client :


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Fei\Service\Mailer\Client\Mailer;
use Fei\ApiClient\Transport\BasicTransport;
use Fei\Service\Mailer\Entity\Mail;

// The client
$mailer = new Mailer([
    Mailer::OPTION_BASEURL => 'https://api_host',
// Optional: a BasicTransport will be instantiate if no synchronous transport was found
$mailer->setTransport(new BasicTransport());

// The mail to send
$message = new Mail();
$message->setSubject('Test subject');
$message->setTextBody('This is a example message');

// And send !
$return = $mailer->transmit($message);

if ($return) {
    echo 'Mail transmit success' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Mail transmit failed' . PHP_EOL;

Keep in mind that you should always initialize a mailer client by a dependency injection component, since it requires at least one dependency, which is the transport. Moreover, the OPTION_BASEURL parameter should also depends on environment.

Real world example

Below a more robust example which use the BeanstalkProxyTransport as default transport.


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Fei\ApiClient\Transport\BasicTransport;
use Fei\ApiClient\Transport\BeanstalkProxyTransport;
use Fei\Service\Mailer\Client\Mailer;
use Fei\Service\Mailer\Entity\Mail;
use Pheanstalk\Pheanstalk;

$mailer = new Mailer([
    Mailer::OPTION_BASEURL => 'https://api_host',

$async = new BeanstalkProxyTransport();
$async->setPheanstalk(new Pheanstalk('host'));
// Async transport will be the default transport. 
// If async transport fails, then BasicTransport will take over.
$mailer->setTransport(new BasicTransport());

$message = new Mail();
$message->setSubject('Test subject');
$message->setTextBody('This is a example message');

$return = $mailer->transmit($message);

if ($return) {
    echo 'Mail transmit success' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    echo 'Mail transmit failed' . PHP_EOL;

To work properly, BeanstalkProxyTransport needs a instance of a Beanstalkd server able to listen to its requests. Workers will consume Beanstalkd messages tube (or queue) and will send email data to Mail API server.

The message workflow:

Client -> Pheanstalkd -> Workers -> Mail API server

Use the logger

Mailer client is Logger client aware. You could set a logger instance like this example below in order to activate logging functionality.


$logger = new Logger([
    Logger::OPTION_BASEURL => '',
    Logger::OPTION_FILTER => Notification::LVL_INFO,
$logger->setTransport(new BasicTransport());

$mailer = new Mailer([
    Mailer::OPTION_BASEURL => 'https://api_host',
$mailer->setTransport(new BasicTransport());
$mailer->setLogger($logger); // Set and activate the the logger functionality

As is each mail sent will be recorded with logger service.

Email and attachments

Here a example if you need to send email with attachments :


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Fei\Service\Mailer\Client\Mailer;
use Fei\ApiClient\Transport\BasicTransport;
use Fei\Service\Mailer\Entity\Mail;
use Fei\Service\Mailer\Entity\Attachment;

$message = new Mail();
$message->setSubject('Test subject');
$message->setTextBody('This is a example message');
$message->setHtmlBody('<p>This is a <strong>example</strong> message!</p>');
$message->setRecipients(array('to@test.com' => 'Name', 'other@test.com' => 'Other Name'));
$message->addCc('cc@example.com', 'CC');
$message->addBcc('bcc@example.com', 'CC');
$message->setSender(array('sender@test.com' => 'The sender'));
$message->setReplyTo(array('steve@app.com' => 'Steve'));

// Add a attachment with a \SplObjectFile
$message->addAttachment(new \SplFileObject('/to/file/path/image.png'));

// Or add a attachment with a "generated string"
$attachment = array(
    'filename' => 'document.txt',
    'mime_type' => 'text/plain',
    // Note base64_encode
    'contents' => base64_encode('Hello world!') . PHP_EOL

// Or add a attachment object
$attachment = new Attachment('/to/file/path/document.pdf');

$mailer = new Mailer([
    Mailer::OPTION_BASEURL => 'https://api_host',
$mailer->setTransport(new BasicTransport());

Embedding attachment

Sometime, you need to include image (or other media) inline in your message. You could use a resource URL in order to linking the media but this approach is usually blocked by mail clients. A another approach is to embed your media directly into your message.


use Fei\Service\Mailer\Entity\Mail;
use Fei\Service\Mailer\Entity\Attachment;

$message = new Mail();

$embedded = (new Attachment('/my/picture.png', true));

$message->setTextBody('This is a example message');
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <img src="{$embedded->getCid()}" style="display: block; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: right;">
        This is example with a embedded image

And that's it.

Catch them all

In non production environment, you often don't need to send email to the real recipient. For testing purpose, you could initialize the client with the option OPTION_CATCHALL_ADDRESS and all email will be forwarded to email address passed to this option.


use Fei\Service\Mailer\Client\Mailer;

$mailer = new Mailer([
    Mailer::OPTION_BASEURL => 'https://api_host',
    Mailer::OPTION_CATCHALL_ADDRESS => 'testing@email.com',

Add callback functions before Mail instance validation

For different needs, you could registered a callback to apply on Mail to be send before its state validation.

You can see this as a another way to extends the "mailer-client" functionalities.


use Fei\Service\Mailer\Client\Mailer;
use Fei\Service\Mailer\Entity\Mail;

$mailer = new Mailer();
$mailer->addCallbackBeforeValidation(function (Mail $mail) {

With this example, all Mail send with this client will have theirs recipients changed by another@email.com.

We provide a couple of another method to manage callbacks:

  • Mailer::addFirstCallbackBeforeValidation: append a callback on the first place of the stack to be executed in contrast to addCallbackBeforeValidation which place the callback in the end of the chain execution.
  • Mailer::clearCallbackBeforeValidation: remove all callback registered in the stack

Pricer integration: meet the PricerMailer class

We provide a child class of Mailer for the Pricer need: PricerMailer.

PricerMailer extends functionalities Mailer plus a callback which apply email filtering on the Mail instance to be send. Naturally, you can remove this filter or add yours own.

Client option

Only one option is available which can be passed to the __construct() or setOptions() methods: