
Flash applicative filer - common components

v2.0.2 2018-12-13 00:30 UTC


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This is the Filer Common elements package which contains:

  • File Entity and transformer
  • File Entity validator
  • Context Entity and transformer
  • Context Entity validator
  • Related classes

Installation and Requirement

Filer Client needs PHP 5.5 or higher.

Add this requirement to your composer.json: "fei/filer-common": : "^1.0"

Or execute composer.phar require fei/filer-common in your terminal.


Entities and classes

File entity

In addition to traditional ID and CreatedAt fields, File Entity has six important properties:

  • $uuid (Universal Unique Identifier) is a unique id corresponding to a file. Its format is based on 36 characters as defined in RFC4122 prefixed by a backend id and separated by a :. Example: bck1:f6461366-a414-4b98-a76d-d7b190252e74
  • revision is an integer indicating the file's current revision.
  • category is an integer defining in which database the file will be stored in.
  • contentType defines the content type of the File object.
  • data contains the file's content.
  • filename contains the file's filename.
  • file is an SplFileObject instance. (see https://secure.php.net/manual/en/class.splfileobject.php for more details)
  • contexts is an ArrayCollection instance where each element is a Context entity

Context entity

In addition to traditional ID field, Context Entity has three important properties:

  • key is a string defining the context's key.
  • value is a string defining the context's value
  • file is a File object indicating the context's related file

Other tools

File validator

You have the possibility to validate a File entity with FileValidator class:


use Fei\Service\Filer\Validator\FileValidator;
use Fei\Service\Filer\Entity\File;

$fileValidator = new FileValidator();
$file = new File();

//validate returns true if your File instance is valid, or false in the other case
$isFileValid = $fileValidator->validate($file);

//getErrors() allows you to get an array of errors if there are some, or an empty array in the other case
$errors = $fileValidator->getErrors();

By default, all File properties must not be empty, but you're also able to validate only a few properties of your entity, using validate methods:


use Fei\Service\Filer\Validator\FileValidator;
use Fei\Service\Filer\Entity\File;

$fileValidator = new FileValidator();

$file = new File();


// will return an empty array : all of our definitions are correct
$errors = $fileValidator->getErrors();
echo empty($errors); // true

// contentType can not be empty, let's try to set it as an empty string

// this time you'll get a non-empty array
$errors = $fileValidator->getErrors();

echo empty($errors); // false

* print_r will return:
*    Array
*    (
*        ['contentType'] => Array
*            (
*                'Content-Type cannot be empty'
*            )
*    )

Context validator

You have the possibility to validate a Context entity with ContextValidator class:


use Fei\Service\Filer\Validator\ContextValidator;
use Fei\Service\Filer\Entity\File;
use Fei\Service\Filer\Entity\Context;

$contextValidator = new ContextValidator();
$file = new File();
$context = new Context([
    'key' => 'my_key',
    'value' => 'my_value',
    'file' => $file

//validate returns true if your Context instance is valid, or false in the other case
$isContextValid = $contextValidator->validate($context);

//getErrors() allows you to get an array of errors if there are some, or an empty array in the other case
$errors = $contextValidator->getErrors();

By default, all Context properties must not be empty, but you're also able to validate only a few properties of your entity, using validate methods:


use Fei\Service\Filer\Validator\ContextValidator;
use Fei\Service\Filer\Entity\Context;

$contextValidator = new ContextValidator();
$context = new Context();


// will return an empty array : all of our definitions are correct
$errors = $contextValidator->getErrors();
echo empty($errors); // true