
Pusher plugin for the FEAST framework

v1.0.0-rc1 2021-04-20 04:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 12:23:47 UTC


FEAST Framework

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FEAST Pusher Plugin

This package is a plug to work with Pusher for FEAST Framework




Recommended installation uses composer. This allows for quick setup.

Installing with Composer

Run composer install feast/pusher.

In container.php, add the following at the bottom of the file.

$container->add(\FeastFramework\Pusher\Pusher::class,new \FeastFramework\Pusher\Pusher());

Manual installation

Alternatively, if you do not wish to use composer, this plugin can be manually installed by downloading and placed in a folder of your choosing if you do not wish to use composer. You will need to add a path mapping in container.php before adding Pusher to the container. Replace src in the block below with the path to your installation of the Pusher plugin.

/** @var \Feast\Autoloader $autoLoader */
$autoLoader->addPathMapping('FeastFramework\\Pusher', ['src']);
$container->add(\FeastFramework\Pusher\Pusher::class,new \FeastFramework\Pusher\Pusher());

Configuration and Usage


The Pusher plugin is configured by adding an array into your configs/config.php that contains the necessary keys. See sample below. Note that if you name your configuration namespace pusher, then you do not need to pass it in to the various methods.

$environment['production'] = ['
    pusher' => [
        'cluster' => 'us2',
        'key' => 'Your-App-Key',
        'secret' => 'Your-Secret-Key',
        'appid' => 'App-ID'

Injection and Instantiation

The Pusher plugin can be automatically injected into both controllers and plugin classes by type-hinting the argument \FeastFramework\Pusher\Pusher. To learn more about Dependency injection in FEAST, see the docs, here

Alternatively, you may directly instantiate by calling new Pusher();


The Pusher object has the following methods. All methods take various parameters as well as an optional configuration namespace. Methods return objects that represent the data from the pusher API. See the src/Response folder for details.

  1. getUsers - get user information for a channel
    1. Parameters
      1. channel
      2. pusherConfigNamespace - defaults to pusher
  2. event - Trigger a single event.
    1. Parameters
      1. name - The name of the event to trigger.
      2. data - An array or stdClass of data to pass to the event.
      3. channels - Either a single channel as a string, or an array of channels to publish to.
      4. socketId - Exclude the event from the given socket id if passed in. Defaults to null.
      5. info - An array of attributes which should be returned. Currently valid values are user_count and subscription_count.
      6. pusherConfigNamespace - defaults to pusher
  3. batchEvents - Trigger multiple events.
    1. Parameters
      1. eventData - See the Pusher docs for more info.
      2. pusherConfigNamespace - defaults to pusher
  4. channelInfo - Fetch information for a single channel.
    1. Parameters
      1. channel - Channel name to fetch information for
      2. infoType - An array of attributes to fetch. Valid options are user_count and subscription_count.
      3. pusherConfigNamespace - defaults to pusher
  5. channelsInfo - Fetch information for multiple channels
    1. Parameters
      1. prefix - Filter returned values by specified prefix. Defaults to null.
      2. infoType - An array of attributes to fetch. Valid option currently only user_count.
      3. pusherConfigNamespace - defaults to pusher