fe3dback / kx-draw
PHP/JS handlebars wrapper with reactive update
- zordius/lightncandy: ^1.1
Requires (Dev)
- devster/ubench: ^1.2
- filp/whoops: ^2.1
- monolog/monolog: ^1.22
- phpunit/phpcov: ^4.0@dev
- phpunit/phpunit: ^6.1
- satooshi/php-coveralls: ^2.0@dev
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-04 10:23:10 UTC
Handlebars Render (PHP/JS)
This is reactive two side template library for handlebars. One template you can render on both sides:
- backend [PHP]
- frontend [JS] (optional)
Lib is wrapper of fastest handlebars implementation, based on: zordius/lightncandy
$ composer require fe3dback/kx-draw
Requirements [PHP side]:
- php >= 7.0
- composer
Prepare directories
First of all you need to make tmp folder inside your project, kxdraw will be store all cache data to optimize render speed. Check RWO access to this directory.
Also you need some folder for templates.
Something like this:
- my_project_root
|- example.php // some php script
|- tmp/draw // any cache will be here
|- public/templates/*.hbs // templates folder
Require lib
code from example.php
use KX\Template\Builders\EngineFactory; use KX\Template\Draw; require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; $draw = new Draw ( (new EngineFactory()) ->setExt('hbs') // templates file extension (*.hbs) ->setCacheDirReal($cacheDir) // cache directory (we can safely delete dir, and cache will be rebuild) ->setTemplatesDirReal($templatesDir) // where our templates live ->setUseCache(true) // recommend to turn ON this feature (compile only first time) ->setUseMemCache(true) // recommend to turn ON this feature (helpful for loops) ->build() );
Ok, we got $draw class, so we can render some template:
code from public/templates/hello.hbs
<b>Hello {{name}}!</b>
code from example.php
$html = $draw->render('hello', 1, [ 'name' => 'world' ]);
What we use:
- 'hello' - this is template file name (without extension)
- 1 - unique render id. Good idea to use EntityID (productId, userId, articleId, etc..) for that.
- ['name'=>'world'] - data used in template
Result will be in $html:
<b>Hello world!</b>
Global scope use
In some case we want to use DrawLib from any application place:
Put this code in any shared file, executed from every other script (common.php, etc..)
/** * Get draw object * global scope wrapper * * @return Draw */ function KXDraw(): Draw { global $__kxDrawEntity; if (is_null($__kxDrawEntity)) { $cacheDir = '/'; // todo replace to your dir $templatesDir = '/'; // todo replace to your dir // make draw object, we can use only this class directly $__kxDrawEntity = new Draw ( (new EngineFactory()) ->setExt('hbs') // templates file extension (*.hbs) ->setCacheDirReal($cacheDir) // cache directory (we can safely delete dir, and cache will be rebuild) ->setTemplatesDirReal($templatesDir) // where our templates stored ->setUseCache(true) // recommend to turn ON this feature (compile only first time) ->setUseMemCache(true) // recommend to turn ON this feature (helpful for loops) ->build() ); } return $__kxDrawEntity; }
$html = KXDraw()->render('hello', 1, [ 'name' => 'world' ]);
Before use partials in our templates, we need to mark some templates (or entire folders as partials).
// mark /templates/common/header.hbs KXDraw()->addPartial('/common/header'); // mark /templates/shared/*/* KXDraw()->addPartialsDirectory('shared');
Now any marked templates can be used as partials:
code from public/templates/hello.hbs
<b>Hello {{> shared/name}}!</b>
code from public/templates/shared/name.hbs
code from example.php
$html = KXDraw()->render('hello', 1, [ 'name' => 'world' ]);
Result will be in $html:
<b>Hello <i>world</i>!</b>
Templates and Reactivity
- All templates should have only one parent. (like in react). For example:
This is OK:
This will be broken:
<div>..some_content1..</div> <div>..some_content2..</div>
In case when template have many nodes, we can wrap with some another div/span/etc..
This is OK:
<div> <div>..some_content1..</div> <div>..some_content2..</div> </div>
Export to JS
Requirements [JS side]:
- jquery >= 2.*
- handlebars.js
Handlebars can be installed with many variants:
- place JQ and handlebars.js anywhere in markup (for example before < / body> tag closing)
- AFTER place js draw implementation and exported data:
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/handlebars.js/4.0.7/handlebars.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/vendor/fe3dback/kx-draw/draw.js"></script> <!-- after export no more rendering allowed, this should be last call to KXDraw --> <?=KXDraw()->exportToJS()?>
JS Usage
Go to page with templates and lib, and try in console:
KXDraw // KXDrawRender {templates: Object, data: Object, partials: Object}
If lib included correctly, this object should contain all data, templates and partials from backend
Return all data used in backend
KXDraw.getRawData() // Object {hello: Object}
Return all partials
KXDraw.getRawPartials() // Object {shared/name: "<i>{{name}}</i>"}
Return all raw templates from backend files
KXDraw.getRawTemplates() // Object {hello: "<b>Hello {{> shared/name}}!</b>"}
KXDraw.update(templateName, uniqueId, data = {}, assign = true)
Update html template on page, and template data.
- string templateName - path to templateFile (relative without extension)
- string uniqueId - id from backend
- object data - object with fields
- bool assign DEF: TRUE - if true, update will combine old data with new data
KXDraw.update('hello', 1, {name:"KXRender"}); // true
Assign example
// old data: { a: 1, b: 2 } // new data: { b: 4 } // RESULT WITH ASSIGN: { a: 1, b: 4 } // RESULT WITHOUT ASSIGN: { b: 4 }
KXDraw.getDataByUniqId(templateName, uniqueId)
Get stored data from used template
- string templateName - path to templateFile (relative without extension)
- string uniqueId - id from backend
KXDraw.getDataByUniqId('hello', 1); // Object { // name: "world", // _kx_draw_template_name: "hello", // _kx_draw_unique_id: "1" // }
KXDraw.getNodeByUniqId(templateName, uniqueId)
Get Jquery node object
- string templateName - path to templateFile (relative without extension)
- string uniqueId - id from backend
KXDraw.getNodeByUniqId('hello', 1); // [b, prevObject: r.fn.init(1)] // > 0: b // > length: 1
see examples folder.