
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Moscow open data sdk: http://api.data.mos.ru

dev-master 2014-12-10 10:46 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-08-30 06:43:08 UTC


#Moscow Open Data SDK

This library allows easily work with open data of Moscow government. You can find a lot of useful data there, like: markets, sport object/zones, public transport ticket zones, schools, libraries and so on.

##Installation Add fdevs/moscow-open-data-sdk as a dependency to your composer.json file:

php composer.phar require fdevs/moscow-open-data-sdk


#####Example 1: Get list of all data types

Just create an instance of OpenData and feed it with ClientInterface instance and an api key you got here

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use FDevs\MoscowOpenData\Api\OpenData;
use FDevs\MoscowOpenData\Model\DataType;
use FDevs\MoscowOpenData\Model\QueryFilter;

$apiKey = '12345...';
$api = new OpenData(new Client(), $apiKey);

// here you get a `Package` with `DataType` items inside
foreach ($api->getDataTypesList()->getItems() as $dataType) {
    /** @var DataType $dataType */
        "id: %d\ncategory: %d\ndepartment: %d\ncaption: %s\n\n",

When we get information this way, we have only information that is printed in the example above. Output:

id: 1534
category: 14
department: 6
caption: План обустройства территорий транспортно-пересадочных узлов в 2014 году

id: 912
category: 162
department: 16
caption: Места для пикника

#####Example 2: Get full info about a data type

$dataTypeId = 912; // from previous example
$dataType = $api->getDataTypeFullInfo($dataTypeId);

Each data type may have own generic properties. Let's take a look:

echo $dataType->getDescription() . "\n";

foreach ($dataType->getGenericProperties() as $property) {
    /** @var GenericProperty $property */
    printf("type: %s, caption: %s\n", $property->getType(), $property->getCaption());


Места для пикника, расположенные в пределах установленных границ города Москвы
type: Photo, caption: Фотография
type: ObjectShortName, caption: Краткое название спортивного объекта
type: SportZoneName, caption: Название спортивной зоны
type: ObjectAdmArea, caption: Административный округ
type: ObjectDistrict, caption: Район
type: Address, caption: Адрес
type: Email, caption: Адрес электронной почты
type: WebSite, caption: Адрес сайта
type: HelpPhone, caption: Справочный телефон

#####Example 3: Get data type entries (Sport zones in our case)

$sportZoneDataTypeId = 912;
$zones = $api->getDataTypeEntries($sportZoneDataTypeId);

foreach ($zones as $zone) {
    /** @var DataTypeEntry $zone */
    $website = $zone->hasGenericProperty('WebSite') ? $zone->getGenericProperty('WebSite')->getCaption() : '';
    $address = $zone->hasGenericProperty('Address') ? $zone->getGenericProperty('Address')->getCaption() : '';

        "id: %s\nwebsite: %s\naddress: %s\n\n",

It's possible to apply Query filter to some api calls. Check OpenDataInterface for more details.

#####Example 4.1: Limit and offset

Query filter allows as to reduce a dataset and iterate through it.

$filter = new QueryFilter();
$dataPackage = $api->getDataTypesList($filter);

#####Example 4.2: Inline count

It's possible to get a total records count using query filter:

$filter = new QueryFilter();
$dataPackage = $api->getDataTypesList($filter);

echo $dataPackage->getTotalCount();

##More information Read the documentation of Moscow open data

##License This library is licensed under the MIT license