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Hear your Behat steps through the 'say' command.

0.0.1 2017-04-24 04:12 UTC



This Behat Extension uses the say command to speak aloud your Behat steps as they run.


This extension takes configuration for a default voice. Voices can also vary based on the (Drupal) user role. Enable the extension by adding the following to your behat.yml file.

      default_voice: Fiona
        administrator: Pipe Organ
        content_administrator: Alex

Adapt the configuration to use whichever say voices you prefer. To see a list of all available voices run say --voice=\?


By speaking your Behat commands aloud, this extension highlights poorly constructed Behat steps. Behavior Driven Development encourages using domain-specific language. If your steps are written around CSS selectors, they will sound absurd.

Additionally, varying voices by user role will encourage deeper consideration of the role used for a given scenario.