
A PHP circuit breaker implementation for resilient applications

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A PHP Circuit Breaker implementation for building resilient applications.


composer require farzai/breaker


  • PHP 8.2 or higher

Basic Usage

use Farzai\Breaker\CircuitBreaker;
use Farzai\Breaker\Exceptions\CircuitOpenException;

// Create a circuit breaker with default settings
$breaker = new CircuitBreaker('service-name');

try {
    $result = $breaker->call(function () {
        // Your code that might fail
        return callExternalService();
} catch (CircuitOpenException $e) {
    // Circuit is open due to previous failures
    return getBackupData();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Handle other exceptions
    return null;

Advanced Configuration

// Create a circuit breaker with custom configuration
$breaker = new CircuitBreaker('service-name', [
    'failure_threshold' => 5,      // Number of failures before opening circuit
    'timeout' => 30,               // Seconds to wait before checking if service is back
    'success_threshold' => 2,      // Success calls needed to close the circuit again

Using Fallbacks

use Farzai\Breaker\CircuitBreaker;
use Farzai\Breaker\Exceptions\CircuitOpenException;

$breaker = new CircuitBreaker('service-name');

// Execute with a fallback
$result = $breaker->callWithFallback(
    function () {
        // Primary function that might fail
        return callExternalService();
    function ($exception, $circuitBreaker) {
        // Fallback function with access to the exception and circuit breaker
        if ($exception instanceof CircuitOpenException) {
            // Circuit is open, use cached data or alternative service
            return getCachedData();
        // Handle other types of failures
        return getDefaultResponse();

Event Listeners

use Farzai\Breaker\CircuitBreaker;

$breaker = new CircuitBreaker('service-name');

// Listen to state transitions
$breaker->onStateChange(function ($newState, $oldState, $circuitBreaker) {
    echo "Circuit state changed from {$oldState} to {$newState}";

// Listen to specific state transitions
$breaker->onOpen(function ($circuitBreaker) {
    // Circuit opened - notify administrators
    sendAlertToAdmin("Service {$circuitBreaker->getServiceKey()} is down!");

$breaker->onHalfOpen(function ($circuitBreaker) {
    // Circuit is testing the service
    logEvent("Testing if service is back online");

$breaker->onClose(function ($circuitBreaker) {
    // Circuit closed - service is healthy again
    sendStatusUpdate("Service recovered successfully");

// Listen to call success and failures
$breaker->onSuccess(function ($result, $circuitBreaker) {
    // Track successful calls

// Remove a listener when no longer needed
$listenerId = $breaker->onSuccess(function () { /* ... */ });

Persistent Storage

By default, circuit state is stored in memory. For production, use file storage:

use Farzai\Breaker\CircuitBreaker;
use Farzai\Breaker\Storage\FileStorage;

// Create a file storage with a specific directory
$storage = new FileStorage(__DIR__ . '/storage/circuit-breaker');

// Pass storage to circuit breaker
$breaker = new CircuitBreaker('service-name', [], $storage);

Circuit Breaker States

The circuit breaker operates in three states:

  1. CLOSED: All requests pass through to the service. This is the default state when everything is working normally.
  2. OPEN: Requests fail fast without calling the service. This happens after the failure threshold is reached, protecting your system from cascading failures.
  3. HALF-OPEN: After the timeout period, the circuit allows a limited number of test requests to check if the service has recovered.

Best Practices

Service Isolation

Create separate circuit breakers for different services:

$userServiceBreaker = new CircuitBreaker('user-service');
$paymentServiceBreaker = new CircuitBreaker('payment-service');
$notificationServiceBreaker = new CircuitBreaker('notification-service');

Appropriate Thresholds

Configure thresholds based on service characteristics:

// Critical service with stricter thresholds
$criticalBreaker = new CircuitBreaker('critical-service', [
    'failure_threshold' => 2,      // Open after just 2 failures
    'timeout' => 60,               // Wait longer before testing again
    'success_threshold' => 3,      // Require more successes to restore

// Non-critical service with more lenient settings
$nonCriticalBreaker = new CircuitBreaker('non-critical-service', [
    'failure_threshold' => 10,     // Allow more failures
    'timeout' => 15,               // Test again quickly
    'success_threshold' => 1,      // Close after first success

Always Use Fallbacks

Always provide fallbacks for critical operations:

$result = $breaker->callWithFallback(
    function () {
        return fetchDataFromPrimarySource();
    function ($exception) {
        if ($exception instanceof CircuitOpenException) {
            return fetchFromCache();
        // For network errors, use backup service
        return fetchFromBackupService();

Monitoring Circuit Health

Use event listeners to monitor circuit health:

// Log all state transitions
$breaker->onStateChange(function ($newState, $oldState, $breaker) use ($logger) {
    $logger->info("Circuit '{$breaker->getServiceKey()}' changed from {$oldState} to {$newState}");

// Alert on circuit open
$breaker->onOpen(function ($breaker) use ($alertService) {
        "Circuit breaker for {$breaker->getServiceKey()} has opened after " . 
        "{$breaker->getFailureThreshold()} consecutive failures."

Circuit Breaker Pattern Integration

Integrate circuit breakers within your application architecture:

class ApiClient
    private $httpClient;
    private $circuitBreaker;
    private $cache;
    public function __construct(HttpClientInterface $httpClient, CacheInterface $cache)
        $this->httpClient = $httpClient;
        $this->cache = $cache;
        $this->circuitBreaker = new CircuitBreaker('api-client');
        // Set up monitoring
    public function fetchData($id)
        return $this->circuitBreaker->callWithFallback(
            function () use ($id) {
                $response = $this->httpClient->get("/data/{$id}");
                // Cache successful responses
                $this->cache->set("data_{$id}", $response, 3600);
                return $response;
            function ($exception) use ($id) {
                // Return cached data as fallback
                return $this->cache->get("data_{$id}");
    private function setupEventListeners()
        // Add event listeners for monitoring


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.