
Phlexus CMS

2.1.0 2023-04-16 19:20 UTC


Setup Project

Rename .env_example to .env

Rename root .env_example to .env and change value according to your configs

Rename config/config_example.php to config/config.php

Rename config/config_example.php to config/config.php and change value according to your configs


Basic Setup

Create user and schema database accordingly to your .env file

Create Tables and import data

./vendor/bin/phalcon-migrations run --config=config.php


Add Default Theme

php ./install.php

Remove Default Theme

php ./uninstall.php

Access Dashboard

Access dashboard at domain.local/user

Admin login

Email: admin@phlexus.io

Password: password


For security purposes install.php and uninstall.php should be removed if not needed anymore.

Make sure that the correct config (nginx or apache) point just to the public folder