
Twig text extension.

v0.2.0 2015-06-12 11:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 17:19:14 UTC


TwigTextExtension contains the following filters:

  • br2p: Replaces double linebreaks formatting into paragraphs.
  • hash: Exposes the hash function included in PHP.
  • p2br: Replaces paragraph formatting with double linebreaks.
  • paragraphs_slice: Extracts paragraphs from a string. Similar to array_slice.
  • regex_replace: Exposes the preg_replace function included in PHP.
  • repeat: Exposes the str_repeat function included in PHP.

License: MIT


  • Twig >= 1.12


Add the falc/twig-text-extension package to your composer.json:

composer require falc/twig-text-extension


To use it in a Symfony project you have to register the extension as a service.

        class: Falc\Twig\Extension\TextExtension
            - { name: twig.extension }

If there is already an extension registered as twig.extension.text you can give the new one a different name:

        class: Other\Twig\Extension\TextExtension
            - { name: twig.extension }
        class: Falc\Twig\Extension\TextExtension
            - { name: twig.extension }


To use it in other projects:

$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, $options);
$twig->addExtension(new Falc\Twig\Extension\TextExtension());



// Example
{{ 'This is a text.<br /><br>This should be another paragraph.' | br2p }}

// Output
"<p>This is a text.</p><p>This should be another paragraph.</p>"

hash(algorithm, rawOutput)

  • algorithm: Name of selected hashing algorithm (i.e. "md5", "sha256", "haval160,4", etc..)
  • rawOutput: When set to true, outputs raw binary data. False outputs lowercase hexits.
    • Optional.
    • Default is false.
// Example
{{ 'hash-something' | hash('md5') }}

// Output

Check hash_algos() to find a list of available algorithms.


// Example
{{ '<p>This is a text.</p><p>This should be another paragraph.</p>' | p2br }}

// Output
"This is a text.<br /><br />This should be another paragraph."

paragraphs_slice(offset, length)

  • offset: Number of paragraphs to offset.
    • Optional.
    • Default is 0.
  • length: Number of paragraphs to return.
    • Optional.
    • Default is null.

This filter works like array_slice.


Without parameters, it will return an array containing all the paragraphs:

// Example
{{ '<p>First paragraph.</p><p>Second paragraph.</p><p>Third paragraph</p>' | paragraphs_slice }}

// Output
["<p>First paragraph.</p>", "<p>Second paragraph.</p>", "<p>Third paragraph</p>"]

Return an array containing the first two paragraphs:

// Example
{{ '<p>First paragraph.</p><p>Second paragraph.</p><p>Third paragraph</p>' | paragraphs_slice(0, 2) }}

// Output
["<p>First paragraph.</p>", "<p>Second paragraph.</p>"]

Return an array containing only the second paragraph:

// Example
{{ '<p>First paragraph.</p><p>Second paragraph.</p><p>Third paragraph</p>' | paragraphs_slice(1, 1) }}

// Output
["<p>Second paragraph.</p>"]

Return an array containing the last paragraph:

// Example
{{ '<p>First paragraph.</p><p>Second paragraph.</p><p>Third paragraph</p>' | paragraphs_slice(0, -1) }}

// Output
["<p>Third paragraph</p>"]

Twig allows to chain filters, so you can join the resulting array using join...

// Example
{{ '<p>First paragraph.</p><p>Second paragraph.</p><p>Third paragraph</p>' | paragraphs_slice(0, 2) | join }}

// Output
"<p>First paragraph.</p><p>Second paragraph.</p>"

...and to make Twig process HTML, chain the raw filter:

{{ '<p>First paragraph.</p><p>Second paragraph.</p><p>Third paragraph</p>' | paragraphs_slice(0, 2) | join | raw }}

That way it is possible to truncate a text at a paragraph level.

regex_replace(pattern, replacement, limit)

  • pattern: Pattern to search for. It can be either a string or an array with strings.
  • replacement: String or array with strings to replace.
  • limit: Maximum possible replacements for each pattern in each subject string.
    • Optional.
    • Default is -1 (no limit).
// Example
{{ '<p>1) This is the first title<br>2) This is the second title<br>42)   Another title</p>' | regex_replace('#\\d+\\)\\s*#', '') }}

// Output
"<p>This is the first title<br>This is the second title<br>Another title</p>"


  • num: Number of times to repeat the string.
// Example
{{ '-=' | repeat(10) }}

// Output