
DB Collections library inspired by Laravel

1.0.7 2017-03-08 15:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:43:39 UTC


DB Entity Collections library inspired by Laravel


// Initializing database-specific driver
$driver = new \eznio\db\drivers\Sqlite('db/test.sqlite3');

// Creating Entity Manager
$em = new \eznio\db\EntityManager($driver);

// Getting query repository by table name
$repo = $em->getRepository('test');

// Getting ActiveRecord entity of table row with id = 1
$entity =$repo->findOneById(1);

// Updating and saving entity
$entity->field = 'new value';

More details

Supported RDBMS

SQLite and MySQL for now.

Error handling

Especially designed to be silent, no internal exceptions. Functions return null/[] if anything happens.

Placeholders basics

Several driver's functions accept second parameter called $args. This is list of placeholder values. Library is using PDO placeholders syntax, so we have 2 options:

  • use ? as placeholder name and provide simple list of substitutions:

        'SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE name = ? AND age = ?',
        ['John', 26]

    In this case, substitutions order should be the same as in query.

  • use :named: placeholders:

        'SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE name = :name: AND age = :age:',
        ['age' => 26, 'name' => 'John']

    Named substitutions can be passed in any order.



Driver is DB-specific request handling class. Implements the \eznio\db\drivers\Driver interface.


public function query($sql, array $args = []);

Runs SQL query and doesn't return anything. Useful for system queries like "SET NAMES" or similar.

$driver->query("SET NAMES :encoding:", ['encoding' => 'UTF-8'];


public function select($sql, array $args = []);

Runs SQL query and returns produced result as array.

$result => $driver->select("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?", ['John']);

/*  $result = [
 *      ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Smith'],
 *      ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Doe']
 */ ];

If ARRAY_KEY alias exists in resulting set - it's value will be added as array keys (and removed from resulting rows):

$result => $driver->select("SELECT id AS ARRAY_KEY, * FROM users WHERE name = ?", ['John']);

/*  $result = [
 *      1 => ['name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Smith'],
 *      2 => ['name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Doe']
 */ ];


public function getRow($sql, array $args = []);

Runs SQL query and returns produced its first row as array.

$result => $driver->getRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?", ['John']);


public function getColumn($sql, array $args = []);

Runs SQL query and returns produced its first column as array of one-element arrays.

$result => $driver->getColumn("SELECT id FROM users WHERE name = ?", ['John']);

/*  $result = [
 *      1,
 *      2
 */ ];

ARRAY_KEY alias also works here:

$result => $driver->getColumn("SELECT id AS ARRAY_KEY, surname FROM users WHERE name = ?", ['John']);

/*  $result = [
 *      1 => 'Smith',
 *      2 => 'Doe'
 */ ];


public function getCell($sql, array $args = []);

Runs SQL query and returns produced its first column of its first row:

$result => $driver->getCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE name = ?", ['John']);

//  $result = 2;


public function load($table, $id);

Shortcut to get values of a single row from given table by id:

$result => $driver->load('users', 1);

//  $result = ['id' => 1, name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Smith'];


public function insert($table, array $data);

Inserts data into the table and returns inserted ID

$result => $driver->insert('users', [
    'name' => 'John',
    'surname' => 'McKey'

//  $result = 3;


public function update($table, $id, $data);

Updates existing data by row ID:

$driver->update('users', [
    'name' => 'Mike',
], 1);


public function delete($table, $id);

Deletes row with given ID:

$driver->delete('users', 3);


