
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Provides interface to Slack chat from Laravel/Lumen logging.

v1.0 2016-07-13 04:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-05-24 20:30:17 UTC


Laravel has native Slack logging intergrations that are better maintained. Use those!


Provides interface to Slack chat from Laravel/Lumen logging.



Via Composer

To install via Composer first make sure Composer is installed.
Then need to simply run the command to require the package.
composer require exposuresoftware/slackerlogs

Register with the Container

In order to make using this package you are only required to write a very simple class and register it with your application.

Create a Provider

You Provider class can be named whatever you wish but must extend the ExposureSoftware\SlackLogs\Providers\LoggerProvider class.
This can be as simple as


namespace App\Providers;

use ExposureSoftware\SlackLogs\Providers\LoggerProvider;

class SlackLogProvider extends LoggerProvider {
    protected $channel = ...;
    protected $user = ...;
    protected $hook = ...;
    protected $level = ...;

Where each of the values are set to to the values for your application.
$channel should be the channel name you wish to direct logs to. It should include the # that precedes all Slack channels.
$user is the user that the message will appear to come from. This does not have to be an actual user on your team.
$hook is the webhook your integration will use. Please see the Slack documentation in the link regarding how to set this up and get your webhook.
$level is an the integer value of the log level you wish to report. This and any higher log levels will be sent to Slack. See Monolog\Logger for these values and constants available.
The available log levels are:

DEBUG = 100
INFO = 200
NOTICE = 250
ERROR = 400
ALERT = 550

Register the Provider with the application

Add the line to your providers array as follows:

'providers' => [

Changing the fully namespaced class to the name of your Provider.