
Operation status announcer

2.0 2023-12-02 22:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:13:06 UTC


This bundle aims to help with setting controller's operation status by elimination cumbersome checking of session flash bag.

Installation (via composer)

To install StatusBundle with Composer just add the following to your composer.json file:

    // ...
    require: {
        "exploring/status": "dev-master"

Please replace the dev-master with some concrete release tag, for example, 1.*

Then run:

php composer.phar update

And register the bundle within AppKernel.php

$bundles = array(
    new \Exploring\StatusBundle\ExploringStatusBundle(),

You are ready to roll.


The bundle configuration is minimalistic. In order for it to work you just need:

exploring_status: ~

Operation status can be stored either in session (default) or apc. In order to use apc mode, depending of your php version, you might need to install it first.

This can be configured by specifying engine config entry:

    engine: apc

Setting the operation status:

$manager = $this->get('exploring_status.manager');

$manager->success('Yey, you did it!');

$manager->warning('Ok, everything went ok, but there is something fishy going on here.');

$manager->error('Couldn\'t do it :(');

Retrieving the operation status:

You can do it from within controller or from Twig directly.


$manager = $this->get('exploring_status.manager');

// Get first status, if exists
// This returns object of `StatusObject` type
$status = $manager->first();

// Get all status messages
// This returns `array` of `StatusObject` objects
$all = $manager->all();


{# This prints first status message directly #}
{{ ExploringStatus_First() }}

{# This prints all status messages directly #}
{{ ExploringStatus_All() }}

Twig templates can be overridden easily. Please see the official documentation for how-to.

Message groups:

Status messages can be grouped. In fact, when you set the status message goes to Default group by default.

$manager = $this->get('exploring_status.manager');

// This message will go into `happiness` group
$manager->success('Yey, you did it!', 'happiness');

// This one goes into `Default`
$manager->warning('Ok, everything went ok, but there is something fishy going on here.');

// This one goes into `Fatal`
$manager->error('Couldn\'t do it :(', 'Fatal');

As for retrieving same rule applies as defined above - you only need to pass group name as argument.


// Get first status from group `happiness`
// This returns object of `StatusObject` type
$status = $manager->first('happiness');

// Get all status messages from group `Fatal`
// This returns `array` of `StatusObject` objects
$all = $manager->all('Fatal');


{# This prints first status message directly #}
{{ ExploringStatus_First('happiness') }}

{# This prints all status messages directly #}
{{ ExploringStatus_All('Fatal') }}