
CLI wrapper for leafo\scss

dev-master 2019-04-14 06:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 17:56:21 UTC


Command line wrapper for leafo\scssphp complier

For documentation on that please go here:


This also uses a few of my other projects as dependancies, primarally my CLI libarary:



LongName ShortName Required Required Value Notes
help h no no Displays the help document
bootstrap b yes yes
debug d no no Annotate selectors with CSS referring to the source file and line number
format f no yes et the output format (compact, compressed, crunched, expanded, or nested)
config c no yes Config file, used to simplify the command line calls
import i no yes Set import path, multiple paths can be set with a comma seperated list
linenumber l no no Annotate selectors with comments referring to the source file and line number
nocache n no no Bypass caching, force compile
mapsource m no no Create source map file
output o yes yes File to output compiled css to (must end in .css)
precision p no yes Set decimal number precision (default 10)
skip s no no Continue compilation (as best as possible) when error encountered
cache a no yes Cache file path, filenames are ignored (defult the current dir)
tree t no no Dump formatted parse tree
version v no no Print the version


  • LongName when using in the CLI long names should begin with -- (double hyphen) for example php /pathto/SCSS --help. For HTTP requests, simply use either the longname or the shortname as part of the request data. for example www.localhost/SCSS?help.
  • ShortName when using in the CLI shourt names should begin with - (single hypen) for example php /pathto/SCSS -h For HTTP requests, simply use either the longname or the shortname as part of the request data. for example www.localhost/SCSS?h
  • Required These arguments must be present in either the --config file or as part of the request.
  • Required Value If these arguments are present they must have a value. They are not nessacarly required for the application to run, but when included they must contain a value.

One of the best examples I can show is using the help argument.

#via HTTP get (short name)

#via Command line
php /home/app/SCSS/index.php -h
php /home/app/SCSS/index.php --help

In either case your output should be something like this:

Usage: php  [--] [args...]
    -h, --help           Show this help document
    -b, --bootstrap      SCSS Bootstraper file (should include @imports)
    -d, --debug          Annotate selectors with CSS referring to the source file and line number
    -f, --format         Set the output format (compact, compressed, crunched, expanded, or nested)
    -c, --config         Config file
    -i, --import         Set import path, multiple paths can be set with a comma seperated list
    -l, --linenumber     Annotate selectors with comments referring to the source file and line number
    -n, --nocache        Bypass caching
    -m, --mapsource      Create source map file
    -o, --output         File to output to
    -p, --precision      Set decimal number precision (default 10)
    -s, --skip           Continue compilation (as best as possible) when error encountered
    -a, --cache          Cache file path, filenames are ignored (defult the current dir)
    -t, --tree           Dump formatted parse tree
    -v, --version        Print the version


You can get it from composer, by requiring it.

"require" : {
    "evo/cli" : "~1.0"

It has some dependancies (which are included in the composer.json file).

"require" : {
	"php" : ">=5.6",
	"evo/patterns" : "~1.0",
	"evo/exception" : "dev-master",
	"leafo/scssphp" : "~0.7",
	"evo/cli" : "~1.0"

While not really being meant for use through the browser you can use it that way if you really want to. In generally you would not include this libarary with your project. Instead install it someplace outside of you project. Then add a config file like this somewhere in your project:

if(!defined('ARTISTICPHOENIX_DIR')) define('ARTISTICPHOENIX_DIR', str_replace('\\','/', realpath(__DIR__.'/../..')));
return array(
    'output'        => ARTISTICPHOENIX_DIR.'/css/style-override.css',
    'import'        => ARTISTICPHOENIX_DIR.'/scss',
    'cache'         => __DIR__,
    'format'        => 'expanded',//compact|compressed|crunched|expanded|nested
    'bootstrap'     => 'bootstrap', 

All of these setting can also be sent directly via arguments thorugh the CLI, GET or even POST.