
Simple Gitlab API Bundle

Installs: 3

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Forks: 0


v1.0.3 2022-02-07 23:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 04:15:10 UTC


This Bundle integrates the GitLab PHP API Client into your Symfony Project.

Very inspired by Zeichen32GitLabApiBundle.

I made this Bundle to be able to have unauthenticated Gitlab Api client (to hit public endpoint)

1. Installation

The most recommended way is using composer

composer require etshy/gitlabapi-bundle

If your application use Symfony/flex you're done with the installation

Otherwise you'll have to do the following

// config/bundles.php
// ...
return [
    Etshy\Gitlabapibundle\EtshyGitlabApiBundle::class => ['all' => true],

2. Configure

    client_1: # This is used as name to complete default alias syntax : etshy_gitlab_api.client.client_1
      # All options below are optional
      token: api-token # if not present, only public api will work
      url: # by default to could be used to access your self-hosted gitlab
      auth_method: http_token # http_token or oauth_token
      sudo: ~ # use the sudo param of the GitLab PHP API Client, should be a user's ID or username to impersonate 
      # (more details about sudo on the API doc :
      alias: service_alias # Symfony service custom alias
      http_client: http_client_service_alias # the symfony service alias for a HttpClient to use. by Default we use Symfony Psr18Client

This bundle will make a default client with either the first client configured or the one named 'default'

3. Usage

You should now be able to use the default client using type Hinting

use Gitlab\Client;

class MyClass
    public function __construct(Client $client)

Through this $client, you'll be able to use the GitLab PHP API Client methods


or instantiate other GitLab PHP API Client Classes like :

$pager = new Gitlab\ResultPager($client);

If you want to instantiate another client, you'll need to specify it in the services.yml

        arguments: { $client: '@etshy_gitlab_api.client.client_1' }