esign / laravel-conversions-api
A laravel wrapper package around the Facebook Conversions API
Installs: 83 533
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 57
Watchers: 6
Forks: 12
Open Issues: 0
- php: ^8.1
- facebook/php-business-sdk: ^19.0
- illuminate/http: ^10.0|^11.0|^12.0
- illuminate/support: ^10.0|^11.0|^12.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: ^3.3
- orchestra/testbench: ^8.0|^9.0|^10.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^10.1|^11.0
This package allow you to easily interact with the Facebook Conversions API.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require esign/laravel-conversions-api
Next up, you can publish the configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Esign\ConversionsApi\ConversionsApiServiceProvider" --tag="config"
The config file will be published as config/conversions-api.php with the following content:
return [ /** * The access token used by the Conversions API. */ 'access_token' => env('CONVERSIONS_API_ACCESS_TOKEN'), /** * The pixel ID used by the Conversions API. */ 'pixel_id' => env('CONVERSIONS_API_PIXEL_ID'), /** * The Google Tag Manager container ID used in case you're deduplicating * events through Google Tag Manager instead of Facebook Pixel directly. * Should look something like "GTM-XXXXXX". */ 'gtm_id' => env('GOOGLE_TAG_MANAGER_ID'), /** * The Conversions API comes with a nice way to test your events. * You may use this config variable to set your test code. */ 'test_code' => env('CONVERSIONS_API_TEST_CODE'), ];
In case you want to customize the view components you may also publish the views:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Esign\ConversionsApi\ConversionsApiServiceProvider" --tag="views"
Conversions API
To add events to the conversions API you may use the addEvent
, addEvents
or setEvents
Retrieving or clearing events may be done using the getEvents
and clearEvents
use Esign\ConversionsApi\Facades\ConversionsApi; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\UserData; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event; ConversionsApi::addEvent( (new Event())->setEventName('PageView')->setEventId('abc') ); ConversionsApi::setEvents([ (new Event())->setEventName('PageView')->setEventId('abc'), (new Event())->setEventName('Purchase')->setEventId('xyz'), ]); ConversionsApi::getEvents(); ConversionsApi::clearEvents();
Adding events won't cause them to be sent to the Conversions API.
To actually send the events you must call the sendEvents
use Esign\ConversionsApi\Facades\ConversionsApi; ConversionsApi::sendEvents();
Creating event classes
To make things a bit cleaner you may extend Facebook's default event class:
use Esign\ConversionsApi\Facades\ConversionsApi; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\ActionSource; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event; class PurchaseEvent extends Event { public static function create(): static { return (new static()) ->setActionSource(ActionSource::WEBSITE) ->setEventName('Purchase') ->setEventTime(time()) ->setEventSourceUrl(request()->fullUrl()) ->setEventId((string) Str::uuid()) ->setUserData(ConversionsApi::getUserData()); } }
ConversionsApi::addEvent( PurchaseEvent::create() );
User Data
This package also comes with a way to define default user data for the user of the current request.
You may do so by calling the setUserData
You can set the user data for every incoming request by creating a custom middleware like this one:
namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Esign\ConversionsApi\Facades\ConversionsApi; use Esign\ConversionsApi\Objects\DefaultUserData; class InitializeFacebookUserData { public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response { ConversionsApi::setUserData( DefaultUserData::create() ->setEmail($request->user()?->email) ); return $next($request); } }
You can now use it in App\Http\Kernel
as a global middleware or a route middleware.
You may now pass the user data along with your events:
use Esign\ConversionsApi\Facades\ConversionsApi; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event; ConversionsApi::addEvent( (new Event())->setUserData(ConversionsApi::getUserData()) );
Event deduplication
This package comes with a few ways to assist you in deduplicating browser and server events. This can either be done using the Facebook Pixel directly or through Google Tag Manager's data layer.
Facebook Pixel
Before attempting to send events through Facebook Pixel make sure to load the pixel script:
<x-conversions-api-facebook-pixel-script />
This will render the following html:
<script> !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)};if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n; n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script',''); fbq('init', 'your-configured-pixel-id', {}); </script>
This package will attempt to provide as much advanced matching data as possible by using user data from the ConversionsApi
For example when an email address is set, it will automatically be provided to the init method:
ConversionsApi::setUserData( (new UserData())->setEmail('') );
fbq('init', 'your-configured-pixel-id', {"em": ""});
Now that your Pixel is correctly initialized, it's time to send some events.
Sadly the parameters between the Conversions API and Facebook Pixel are not identical, so they must be mapped to the correct format.
An easy way of doing this is by extending the FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event
class and implementing the Esign\ConversionsApi\Contracts\MapsToFacebookPixel
interface on it:
use Esign\ConversionsApi\Contracts\MapsToFacebookPixel; use Esign\ConversionsApi\Facades\ConversionsApi; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\ActionSource; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event; class PurchaseEvent extends Event implements MapsToFacebookPixel { public static function create(): static { return (new static()) ->setActionSource(ActionSource::WEBSITE) ->setEventName('Purchase') ->setEventTime(time()) ->setEventSourceUrl(request()->fullUrl()) ->setEventId((string) Str::uuid()) ->setUserData(ConversionsApi::getUserData()); } public function getFacebookPixelEventType(): string { return 'track'; } public function getFacebookPixelEventName(): string { return $this->getEventName(); } public function getFacebookPixelCustomData(): array { $customData = $this->getCustomData(); return array_filter([ 'currency' => $customData?->getCurrency(), 'value' => $customData?->getValue(), ]); } public function getFacebookPixelEventData(): array { return array_filter(['eventID' => $this->getEventId()]); } }
You may now pass any class that implements the MapsToFacebookPixel
interface to the view component responsible for tracking Facebook Pixel events:
use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\CustomData; use Illuminate\Support\Str; $event = PurchaseEvent::create()->setCustomData( (new CustomData())->setCurrency('EUR')->setValue(10) );
<x-conversions-api-facebook-pixel-tracking-event :event="$event" />
This will render the following script tag:
<script> fbq('track', 'Purchase', {"currency": "EUR", "value": 10}, {"eventID": "ccf928e1-56fd-4376-bee3-dda0d7dbe136"}); </script>
To retrieve a list of all events that implement the MapsToFacebookPixel
interface you may call the filterFacebookPixelEvents
@foreach(ConversionsApi::getEvents()->filterFacebookPixelEvents() as $event) <x-conversions-api-facebook-pixel-tracking-event :event="$event" /> @endforeach
In case you want more control over what's being rendered, you may always use the anonymous component:
<x-conversions-api::facebook-pixel-tracking-event eventType="track" eventName="Purchase" :customData="[]" :eventData="[]" />
Google Tag Manager
Before attempting to deduplicate events through GTM make sure to configure your GTM container id and include the necessary scripts:
<html> <head> <x-conversions-api-google-tag-manager-head /> {{-- ... --}} </head> <body> <x-conversions-api-google-tag-manager-body /> {{-- ... --}} </body> </html>
This package comes with a view component that will map all user data from the ConversionsApi
to dataLayer variables:
<x-conversions-api-data-layer-user-variable />
For example when an email address is set, it will be automatically mapped to a dataLayer variable. Check the source of the view component to see a list of all possible variables.
ConversionsApi::setUserData( (new UserData())->setEmail('') );
window.dataLayer.push({"conversionsApiUserEmail": ""});
Now that your Pixel through GTM is correctly initialized, it's time to send some events.
An easy way of doing this is by extending the FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event
class and implementing the Esign\ConversionsApi\Contracts\MapsToDataLayer
interface on it:
use Esign\ConversionsApi\Contracts\MapsToDataLayer; use Esign\ConversionsApi\Facades\ConversionsApi; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\ActionSource; use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Event; class PurchaseEvent extends Event implements MapsToDataLayer { public static function create(): static { return (new static()) ->setActionSource(ActionSource::WEBSITE) ->setEventName('Purchase') ->setEventTime(time()) ->setEventSourceUrl(request()->fullUrl()) ->setEventId((string) Str::uuid()) ->setUserData(ConversionsApi::getUserData()); } public function getDataLayerArguments(): array { $customData = $this->getCustomData(); return [ 'event' => 'conversionsApiPurchase', 'conversionsApiPurchaseEventId' => $this->getEventId(), 'conversionsApiPurchaseCurrency' => $customData?->getCurrency(), 'conversionsApiPurchaseValue' => $customData?->getValue(), ]; } }
You may now pass any class that implements the MapsToDataLayer
interface to the view component responsible for tracking Facebook Pixel events:
use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\CustomData; use Illuminate\Support\Str; $event = PurchaseEvent::create()->setCustomData( (new CustomData())->setCurrency('EUR')->setValue(10) );
<x-conversions-api-data-layer-variable :event="$event" />
This will render the following script tag:
<script> window.dataLayer.push({ "event": "conversionsApiPurchase", "conversionsApiPurchaseEventId": "e2481afc-5af4-4483-bc4b-33f08e195e3a", "conversionsApiPurchaseCurrency": "EUR", "conversionsApiPurchaseValue": 120 }); </script>
To retrieve a list of all events that implement the MapsToDataLayer
interface you may call the filterDataLayerEvents
@foreach(ConversionsApi::getEvents()->filterDataLayerEvents() as $event) <x-conversions-api-data-layer-variable :event="$event" /> @endforeach
In case you want more control over what's being rendered, you may always use the anonymous component:
<x-conversions-api::data-layer-variable :arguments="[]" />
PageView Events
This package ships with some helpers to track PageView
events out of the box.
These helpers will automatically send both Conversions API & Facebook Pixel events and provide event deduplication.
Note Make sure to always include these view components after you've already looped over any other events currently defined on the ConversionsApi. Including these view components will clear any existing events.
In case you're using the Facebook Pixel directly:
<x-conversions-api-facebook-pixel-page-view />
Or by using Google Tag Manager. The data-layer variable to deduplicate events is called conversionsApiPageViewEventId
<x-conversions-api-data-layer-page-view />
PageView events are not shown as deduplicated in the test events dashboard
Event deduplication for PageView events should be fine out of the box, since the event name and event id parameters have been provided.
However, when serving your application locally the ip address returned by Laravel's request()->ip()
will be
This is different from the ip address sent through Facebook Pixel, causing the Conversions API and Facebook Pixel events to not be deduplicated.
This issue should solve itself once the application will be ran in production.
Whitelisting Cookies in Laravel
When using \App\Http\Middleware\EncryptCookies::class
in \App\Http\Kernel::class
, ensure to whitelist _fbp and _fbc cookies to prevent null values in loading DefaultUserData::create()
. Update the $except property in the EncryptCookies middleware as shown below:
<?php namespace App\Http\Middleware; use Illuminate\Cookie\Middleware\EncryptCookies as Middleware; class EncryptCookies extends Middleware { /** * The names of the cookies that should not be encrypted. * * @var array */ protected $except = [ '_fbp', '_fbc' ]; }
composer test
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.