
Import lists from various websites

dev-master 2022-04-24 16:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 20:37:51 UTC


Imports user (watch)lists from imdb.


The listimporter package allows you to import the contents of publicly visible user lists from IMDb.


  • Creates a container that contains all the titles from the specified list.

  • Can fetch a user's watchlist

  • Can filter the list by title type (movie, short, tv episode, etc...). Offers preset filters as well as the option to manually specify title types.

  • Can filter unreleased or upcoming titles

  • Can filter by genre, returning titles that either contain all of the specified genres or any of them

  • Can skip marshaling the list items into an array of film objects and get it as a 2D array of strings instead


Can take several seconds to import a list when initialized with a user ID. That's because it requires 2 HTTP requests compared to the single one when importing directly via listId, and IMDb can take a while to respond to that one particular extra request. Providing the watchlist's listId will make it significantly faster, if you have the ID of course.

If you have access to the account that owns the watchlist, you can get the watchlist's listId by clicking 'EDIT' on IMDb. The URL in the browser's address bar will then contain the listId.

Example usage

use Esenliyim\Listimporter\ListImporter;

// To import via listId
$listIdImporter = new ListImporter("<ls****>");
$importedFromListId = $importer->fetchList();

$films = $importedFromListId->filmsOnly();

// Or via user ID
$userIdImporter = new ListImporter("<ur****>");
$importedFromUserId = $importer->fetchList();

$upcoming = $importedFromUserId->upcomingOnly();

// multiple filters
$upcomingWarShorts = $importedFromUserId
