
Escola Headless LMS Stationary Events

0.1.11 2023-06-20 12:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 13:57:53 UTC


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What does it do

This package is used to manage stationary events.


  • composer require escolalms/stationary-events
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan db:seed --class="EscolaLms\StationaryEvents\Database\Seeders\StationaryEventPermissionSeeder"


  1. stationary_events - main table, contains information about the event

  2. stationary_event_users - table to store assigned users

  3. stationary_event_authors - table to store assigned authors

  4. category_stationary_event - table to store assigned categories

StationaryEvent n -> n User (using pivot table StationaryEventUser)
StationaryEvent n -> n User (using pivot table StationaryEventAuthor)
StationaryEvent n -> n Category (using pivot table CategoryStationaryEvent)


All the endpoints are defined in swagger


Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit to run tests.

Test details codecov


  1. StationaryEventAssigned - event dispatched after assigning user to stationary event
  2. StationaryEventUnassigned - event dispatched after detaching user form stationary event
  3. StationaryEventAuthorAssigned - event dispatched after assigning author to stationary event
  4. StationaryEventAuthorUnassigned - event dispatched after detaching author from stationary event

How to use this on frontend

Admin panel

List of stationary events List of stationary events

Stationary event form Form


Permissions are defined in seeder