
Escola Headless LMS Consultations

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One to one conversation package

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What does it do

This package is used for creating Consultation for EscolaLms.


  • composer require escolalms/consultations
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan db:seed --class="EscolaLms\Consultations\Database\Seeders\ConsultationsPermissionSeeder"


  • In App\Console\Kernel to method schedule add
    • $schedule->job(new ReminderAboutConsultationJob(ConsultationTermReminderStatusEnum::REMINDED_HOUR_BEFORE))->everyFiveMinutes() - reminder about to consultation before one hour, executed every 5 minutes
    • $schedule->job(new ReminderAboutWebinarJob(ConsultationTermReminderStatusEnum::REMINDED_DAY_BEFORE))->everySixHours(); - reminder about to consultation before one day, executed every 6 hours


All the endpoints are defined in swagger


Run ./vendor/bin/phpunit --filter=Consultation to run tests. See tests folder as it's quite good staring point as documentation appendix.

Test details codecov phpunit


  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\ApprovedTerm => Event is dispatched when trainer approved term reported with buyer. Event refers to users, who have permissions students
  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\ApprovedTermWithTrainer => Event is dispatched when trainer approved term reported with buyer. Event refers to users, who have permissions tutor
  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\ChangeTerm => Event is dispatched when trainer changes term in buyed consultations. Event refers to users, who have permissions students
  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\RejectTerm => Event is dispatched when trainer rejects term reported with buyer. Event refers to users, who have permissions students
  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\RejectTermWithTrainer => Event is dispatched when trainer rejects term reported with buyer. Event refers to users, who have permissions tutor
  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\ReminderAboutTerm => Event is dispatched after execute cron job EscolaLms\Consultations\Jobs\ReminderAboutConsultationJob, Event is dispatched when deadline for purchased consultation before 1 hours and 1 day. Event refers to users, who have permissions students
  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\ReminderTrainerAboutTerm => Event is dispatched some time before start consultation. Event refers to users, who have permissions tutor
  • EscolaLms\Consultations\Events\ReportTerm => Event is dispatched after reported term with buyer consultation


  • EscolaLms\Webinar\Listeners\ReminderAboutTermListener => Listener execute a method that singed the status in the webinar reminder

How to use this on frontend.

Admin panel

Left menu


List of consultations

List of consultations

Creating/editing consultation

Creating/editing consultation

Front Application

See implementation in the demo.


Permissions are defined in seeder

Database relation

  1. Author Consultation is related belong to with User
  2. ProposedTerms Consultation model has many to models ConsultationProposedTerm
  3. Categories Consultation belongs to many with models Categories
  4. Users Consultation is related belongs to many with User which bought consultation
  5. Terms Consultation model has many to models ConsultationUserPivot. It is reported terms
Consultation 1 -> 1 Author
Consultation 1 -> n ProposedTerms
Consultation 1 -> n Categories
Consultation 1 -> n Users
Consultation 1 -> n Terms