
Deploy your Laravel app via Bitbucket pipelines and envoyer

0.4-beta.1 2023-12-21 10:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-21 11:01:24 UTC


Deploy your laravel app via bitbucket pipelines and envoyer.

68747470733a2f2f706f7365722e707567782e6f72672f6572646d656e6368656e2f6c61726176656c2d6269746275636b65742d6465706c6f792f646f776e6c6f616473 68747470733a2f2f706f7365722e707567782e6f72672f6572646d656e6368656e2f6c61726176656c2d6269746275636b65742d6465706c6f792f76657273696f6e 68747470733a2f2f706f7365722e707567782e6f72672f6572646d656e6368656e2f6c61726176656c2d6269746275636b65742d6465706c6f792f762f756e737461626c65 68747470733a2f2f706f7365722e707567782e6f72672f6572646d656e6368656e2f6c61726176656c2d6269746275636b65742d6465706c6f792f6c6963656e7365

Be sure, that your project (migrations!) is working as expected (tests!), because there is no backup mechanism during the deployment!
Do not deploy to production only, always test releases on staging before!


  • Bitbucket account
  • Bitbucket Pipeline build minutes available (the free plan has 50min per month)
  • Hosting with SSH access


You can easily install this package using Composer by running the following command:

composer require erdmenchen/laravel-bitbucket-deploy

After installation completed run the following command in order to install all required assets:

php artisan vendor:publish

Bitbucket Configuration

In order to get the build and deployment pipeline going at Bitbucket, you need to make the following steps in your Bitbucket repository:

  1. Enable Pipelines
  2. Add the repository variables: DEPLOY_HOST and DEPLOY_USER
  3. Create a new SSH key, add your host to the known hosts and copy the public key to your hosting
  4. Create the following deployment environments and set the variable DEPLOY_PATH for each:
    • Staging
    • Production

Hosting Configuration

The deployment script requires the following folder structure on the web hosting in order to work:

  • Deployment Target Folder (e.g. cool_website_staging)
    • .env (Laravel environment config file)
    • releases (each deployment will be placed here by the script in unique folders)
    • storage (Laravel storage folder)
      • framework/sessions
      • framework/views
      • framework/cache

During each deployment, the .env file and the storage folder are referenced into the current build folder via symlinks. Additionally a symlink current will be created (or updated) in the deployment folder, which points to the latest build folder.

To always point the webserver to the latest release, just create a symlink, that points on the current symlink (e.g. -> cool_website_staging/current/public. You don´t need to edit it during deployment. It will always point to the latest release.


This package has the following requirements:

  • PHP 7.3 or higher
  • Laravel 6.0 or higher

How it works

This package scaffolds a Bitbucket pipeline script and a Laravel Envoyer script into your Laravel project.

When a new pipeline run is triggered (via git commit or manually) a full CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) build is executed with the following steps:

  1. Fetch source code and install PHP dependencies (Build PHP)
  2. Run phpunit and gather results - stops on any failed test (Test PHP)
  3. Install javascript dependencies via npm and build UI assets(Build Assets)
  4. Deploy to staging / production - connects to hosting via ssh and pushes build (Deploy)
    • Create manifest file with original trigger commit details
    • Create symlinks to .env and storage
    • Check Laravel health (running php artisan --version)
    • Activate build by updating the current symlink
    • Optimise, migrate and cleanup Laravel project

The last step (step 4) is only executed when triggered from a commit on develop or master branch. Feature branches are build only, they do not get deployed.


The GNU General Public License v3.0. Please see License File for more information.