
A simple and easy-to-use PWA (Progressive Web App) package for Laravel applications.

v1.0.0 2024-09-19 16:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-15 02:47:47 UTC


Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 10 34 23 PM

Laravel PWA is a package designed to seamlessly integrate Progressive Web Application (PWA) functionality into your Laravel projects. With this package, you can easily configure, update the manifest, and register service workers, enabling any Laravel app to function as a PWA.

Features 🚀

  • Automatically generate PWA manifest and service worker
  • Configurable installation button
  • Supports Laravel 8, 9, 10, and 11
  • Easy setup and usage
  • Compatible with mobile and desktop devices

Important ⚠️

Note: PWAs require a secure HTTPS connection to work correctly. Ensure your application is hosted with HTTPS; otherwise, service workers and other PWA features will not function as expected.

Installation 📦

To get started, install the package using Composer:

composer require erag/laravel-pwa

Once installed, publish the PWA configuration files using:

php artisan erag:publish-laravel-pwa

This will create the required configuration file config/pwa.php and set up PWA functionality for your application.

Configuration ⚙️

Main Configuration File: config/pwa.php

This is your main configuration file where you can customize the PWA settings.

return [
    'install-button' => true, // Show or hide install button globally

    'manifest' => [
        'name' => 'Laravel PWA',
        'short_name' => 'LPT',
        'background_color' => '#6777ef',
        'display' => 'fullscreen',
        'description' => 'A Progressive Web Application setup for Laravel projects.',
        'theme_color' => '#6777ef',
        'icons' => [
                'src' => 'logo.png',
                'sizes' => '512x512',
                'type' => 'image/png',

    'debug' => env('APP_DEBUG', false),

Customizing Manifest File

After changing config/pwa.php in your manifest array, run this command You can update your PWA manifest file by running:

php artisan erag:pwa-update-manifest

This command updates the manifest.json file located in the public directory of your Laravel project.

Usage 🛠️

To integrate PWA functionality into your layouts, use the provided Blade directives.

1. Add Meta Tags

Place the @PwaHead directive inside the <head> tag of your main layout file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    @PwaHead <!-- Add this directive to include the PWA meta tags -->
    <title>Your App Title</title>

2. Register Service Worker

Just before the closing </body> tag in your main layout file, add:

    @RegisterServiceWorkerScript <!-- This registers the service worker -->

These directives will automatically generate the necessary tags and JavaScript for the PWA.

Screenshots 📸

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 10 11 01 PM

Installing PWA App

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 10 13 23 PM

Offline Page

Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 10 13 52 PM

Contribution 🧑‍💻

We appreciate your interest in contributing to this Laravel PWA project! Whether you're reporting issues, fixing bugs, or adding new features, your help is greatly appreciated.

Forking and Cloning the Repository

  1. Go to the repository page on GitHub.

  2. Click the Fork button at the top-right corner of the repository page.

  3. Clone your forked repository:

    git clone

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues, please check if the issue already exists in the Issues section. If not, create a new issue with the following details:

  • Steps to reproduce the issue
  • Expected and actual behavior
  • Laravel version
  • Any relevant logs or screenshots

Submit a Pull Request

When you're ready to contribute, open a pull request describing the changes you’ve made and how they improve the project. Please ensure:

  • All commits are squashed into one clean commit.
  • The code follows PSR-12 standards.
  • You’ve tested the changes locally.

Coding Standards

  • Follow the PSR-12 PHP coding standards.
  • Keep your commit history clean and meaningful.
  • Add comments where needed but avoid over-commenting.

Example Workflow 🌟

Here’s a simple example of how to use this package:

  1. Install the package via Composer.
  2. Publish the configuration files.
  3. Add the @PwaHead directive in your layout file’s <head>.
  4. Add the @RegisterServiceWorkerScript directive before the closing </body> tag.
  5. Customize the config/pwa.php to fit your project’s needs.
  6. Run php artisan erag:pwa-update-manifest to update the manifest file.
  7. That's it! Your Laravel app is now PWA-enabled. 🚀