
Very useful logger for php 5.4+

1.2 2015-06-21 12:20 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-13 12:48:38 UTC


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Epilog - Logger for PHP 5.4+

This is simple to use logger with great syntax and level of customization. Easy start for new application and serious tune for grown application. Look at examples and feature list below. Enjoy!


include "Epilog.php";

$log = new Epilog();
$log('By default php://stdout is output stream and info is selected severity');

Will output

[2014-01-20 11:36:36.43] Info: By default php://stdout is output stream and info is selected severity


Just add epilog/epilog to require section in composer.json and install it. For example:

    "require": {
        "epilog/epilog": "1.1.0"

Main goal

Epilog was made as tool for developers by developers. You can make hot start and then change everything by accessing public properties of object. Main goal is to make debug as simple as we can! Many years of debug expirience are here in Epilog. What about other loggers? They are too big and uncomfortable. With Epilog you can end your application while your friend is setting up another logger.

Advanced features

  • PSR-3 support
  • Different severity levels
  • Add your own severity levels
  • Select strict severity level (handle only selected level)
  • Timers
  • Handle strict severity levels by different channels
  • Custom handlers
  • Different channels support
  • Context support
  • Setup custom formatter
  • Setup custom filter set
  • Possibility to log raw data
  • Turn off logger
  • Buffer with custom size
  • Date format change

PSR-3 support

Epilog is PSR-3 standard compatible. Use Pepilog class that implemets Psr\Log\LoggerInterface. All psr-3 tests are passed perfectly. You can use Pepilog with Silex, Symfony2 and others.

Silex example:

require_once __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new Silex\Application();

$app['logger'] = $app->share(function(){
	return new Pepilog('/tmp/temp.log', 'debug');

Different severity levels

Supports 8 standard severity levels. You can easly add your own.

debug - debug-level messages
info - informational messages notice - normal but significant condition warning - warning conditions error - error conditions critical - critical conditions alert - action must be taken immediately emergency - system is unusable

How to write to different levels?

$log['debug']("Application start.");
$log['error']("Application error.");
$log['alert']("Can't write to cache. Access denied");

How to select output level? Just specify it as second parameter

$log = new Epilog('php://stdout', "error");

How to add severity levels?

$log->levels['customLevel'] = 450;
$log['customLevel']("Custom severity level log");

What is "strict severity level"? In this case only errors will be handled by logger.

$log = new Epilog('php://stdout', "=error");


You can setup and use different timers in your application

$log['info']("Aplication start");


$log['info:timer1']("Application end");
$log[':timer1']("Write to default level with timer value");

Will output

[2014-01-21 11:30:45.22] Info: Aplication start 
[2014-01-21 11:30:46.22] 1.0007s Info: Application end 
[2014-01-21 11:30:46.22] 1.0010s Info: Write to default level with timer value 

You can reset timer


Or stop it


Custom handlers

You can add your custom handler to channel. For example MySQL handler:

$customHandler = function($logString, $params) use ($config) {
  static $connection = null;
  if (!$connection) {
      $connection = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', $config['dbuser'], $config['dbpass']);

  $stmt = $dbh->prepare(
    "INSERT INTO log_table(date, timer, level, context, text, formatted_text)
    VALUES (:date, :timer, :level, :context, :text, :formatted_text)"
  $stmt->bindParam(':date', $params['date']);
  $stmt->bindParam(':timer', $params['timer']);
  $stmt->bindParam(':level', $params['level']);
  $stmt->bindParam(':context', $params['context'];
  $stmt->bindParam(':text', $params['text']);
  $stmt->bindParam(':formatted_text', $logString);
$log = new Epilog($customHandler);

Different channels support with different level

There is simple way to setup different channels. You can use severity standard and strict notation.

$channels = [
  'info'  => ["php://stdout", function($logString, $params){file_put_contents('filename', $text);}],
  'error' => ["php://stderr", "/var/log/application_error.log"], // These handlers will process error+ levels
  '=debug' => ["/tmp/application_debug.log"]  // These handlers will process only debug level
$log = new Epilog($channels);

Context support

You can use global and local context. It accepts only arrays of data.

$log->context = ['user_name'=>'Bob']; // Setting up global context
$log("User {user_name}({user_id}) is logged in", ['user_id'=>33]); // Adding local context
$log("User {user_name}({user_id}) is logged out"); // Without local context

Will output

[2014-01-21 11:17:45.56] info: User Bob(33) is logged in {"user_name":"Bob","user_id":33}
[2014-01-21 11:17:45.56] info: User Bob({user_id}) is logged out {"user_name":"Bob"}

Setup custom formatter

You can use $get helper function that can prepend and append symbols to parameter if it isn't empty.

$get('date', '[', ']'); // Will return [2014-01-21 11:17:45] if not empty (depends on format)
$params['date']; // Contains date value


$customFormatter = function($params, $get){
    return "{$get('date')}{$get('timer', ' (', 's)')} !{$get('level')}!: {$get('text')} \n";
$log = new Epilog('php://stdout', 'info', $customFormatter);

$log['timer'] = 'start';
$log("Message without timer");
$log[':timer']("Message with timer");

Will return

2014-01-21 11:31:37 !Info!: Message without timer
2014-01-21 11:31:37 (0.0003s) !Info!: Message with timer

Setup custom filters set

You can add more filters or remove default(filter milliseconds and timer format)

unset($log->filter['default']);  // Remove default filters

$log->filter[] = function($params){
  $params['text'] = trim($params['text']); // Text trim filter
  return $params;

Available params:

  • date
  • ms
  • timer
  • level
  • context
  • text Log raw data

Just concatenate Epilog::RAW or add null byte before log string:

$log(Epilog::RAW."Raw log string\n");
$log("\0Raw log string 2\n");
Raw log string
Raw log string 2

Turn on/off logger

Simply setup log level to "off" or use Epilog::TURN_OFF constant

$log = new Epilog();

echo $log->status(); // off
echo $log->status(); // on

Buffer with custom size

By default size is 0 (unlimited)

$log = new Epilog("logger://buffer"); // You can use Epilog::BUFFER_ADDRESS constant instead of "logger://buffer"
$log->bufferSize = 2; // Store 2 last messages

echo $log; // __toString() will output buffer
[2014-01-21 11:55:49.80] Info: Bar
[2014-01-21 11:55:49.80] Info: Baz

Change date format

$log->dateFormat = "d.m.Y H:i:s"; // By default is "Y-m-d H:i:s"