
Modular architecture build on top of laravel for any laravel project

v1.2.0 2024-04-10 11:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 11:22:28 UTC


Snap System is the underlying architecture for Laravel projects, providing essential functionalities and features.

Getting Started

Install package

Install the package using Composer. Run the following command:

composer require ensue/snap


Package Minimum Version
Laravel 10
php 8.2

Exception handler

In your Handler.php located at app/Exceptions/Handler.php, follow these steps:

  1. Remove all existing code within the file.
  2. Extend class with SnapExceptionHandler
  3. Override any methods as needed.

Publish Config and Language Files (Optional)

You have the option to publish the configuration and language files. Use the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=snap

Generate module

To generate a module, run the following command:

php artisan snap:generate <module-name>

Make sure to replace with the actual name of the module you want to generate.

Extend Model

Extend your model from the SnapAppModel class to inherit additional functionalities.

Module structure

├── Modules
│   └── <module-name>
│       ├── Controllers
│       │   └── <module-name>Controller.php
│       ├── Database
│       │   └── Models
│       │       └── <module-name>.php
│       ├── Exceptions
│       ├── Filters
│       │   └── <module-name>Filter.php
│       ├── Interfaces
│       │   └── <module-name>Interface.php
│       ├── Middlewares
│       ├── Providers
│       ├── Repositories
│       │   └── <module-name>Repository.php
│       ├── Requests
│       │   ├── <module-name>CreateRequest.php
│       │   └── <module-name>UpdateRequest.php
│       ├── Routes
│       │   ├── api.php
│       │   └── web.php
│       ├── Views
│       └── ServiceProvider.php
└── System
    └── <module-name>
        └── Database
            ├── Exceptions
            ├── Models
            │   └── <module-name>.php
            └── Traits

Feel free to customize and expand upon the provided instructions as needed for your project. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Feel free to contribute :)