enmanuelmd5 / open-admin
open-admin. Open-source Laravel Admin panel. No pro or paid package, free & open. Based on laravel-admin, with special thanks to z-song
- php: ~7.3|~8.0
- doctrine/dbal: 2.*|3.*
- laravel/framework: >=7.0
- symfony/dom-crawler: ~3.1|~4.0|~5.0
Requires (Dev)
- fzaninotto/faker: ~1.4
- intervention/image: ~2.3
- laravel/browser-kit-testing: ^6.0
- laravel/laravel: >=8.0
- spatie/phpunit-watcher: ^1.22.0
- intervention/image: Required to handling and manipulation upload images (~2.3).
- spatie/eloquent-sortable: Required to built orderable gird.
is administrative interface builder for laravel which can help you build CRUD backends just with few lines of code.
Homepage | Documentation | Download | Extensions
Forked from Laravel-admin Much thanks to Z-song for all the effort & great setup!
- PHP >= 7.3.0
- Laravel >= 7.0.0
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
This package requires PHP 7.3+ and Laravel 7.0 or up
First, install laravel (7.0 / 8.0 or up), and make sure that the database connection settings are correct.
composer require open-admin-org/open-admin
Then run these commands to publish assets and configļ¼
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OpenAdmin\Admin\AdminServiceProvider"
After run command you can find config file in config/admin.php
, in this file you can change the install directory,db connection or table names.
At last run following command to finish install.
php artisan admin:install
Open http://localhost/admin/
in browser,use username admin
and password admin
to login.
Updating to a new version of open-admin may require updating assets you can publish them using:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=open-admin-assets --force
The file config/admin.php
contains an array of configurations, you can find the default configurations in there.
More coming soon
Extension | Description | open-admin |
helpers | Several tools to help you in development | ~1.0 |
media-manager | Provides a web interface to manage local files | ~1.0 |
config | Config manager for open-admin | ~1.0 |
grid-sortable | Sortable grids | ~1.0 |
Ckeditor | Ckeditor for forms | ~1.0 |
api-tester | Test api calls from the admin | ~1.0 |
scheduling | Show and test your cronjobs | ~1.0 |
phpinfo | Show php info in the admin | ~1.0 |
log-viewer | Log viewer for laravel | ~1.0.12 |
page-designer | Page designer to position items freely | ~1.0.18 |
reporter | rovides a developer-friendly web interface to view the exception | ~1.0.18 |
redis-manager | Redis manager for open-admin | ~1.0.20 |
we are looking for active contributors:
- testing
- extension development
- translating documentation
- financing
based on the following plugins or services:
- Laravel
- Axios
- Bootstrap5
- Choicesjs
- Font-awesome
- Moment
- LeafletJS
- OpenStreetMaps
- Sweetalert2
- Toastify
- Flatpickr
- Sortablejs
- Nprogress
- Dual-Listbox
- Coloris
is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).